Monday, April 27, 2009

Upper Back Pain Treatment.

So what is the cause of upper back pain? "Overuse of Computers?"

In many instances bad posture is the culprit. This is often because we spend long periods of time sitting or standing in the same position, generally this tends to be in our place of work. Sitting at desk top computers is another source of this problem! By maintaining the same position the muscles in the upper back which connect the shoulders and help to keep our back straight become tense, stiff and painful.

If you find yourself suffering upper back pain it is highly likely that you have strained a muscle or maybe you have a slipped disc, both of these conditions can be extremely painful but are easily treated by your doctor following an accurate diagnosis using x-rays. Other causes of upper back pain include over enthusiastic physical exercise and most commonly heavy lifting which is carried out incorrectly i.e. without bending the knees and keeping the back straight.

Keeping fit through physical exercise should not be stopped because of upper back pain, indeed it is an excellent method to prevent this painful problem and can help in relieving symptoms. The use of weights as part of a gym workout may not be advisable, however if great care is taken and under close supervision of a trained professional it is still possible. There are numerous other types of exercise which can be continued whilst suffering upper back pain such as jogging or walking either using a treadmill at home or out on the streets. The whole aim is to prevent stiffening of the muscles.

Swimming has to be one of the best methods of exercise because it uses all the bodies muscles. When swimming above water the weight of your body is supported which lets the muscles and spine to relax and stretch out, ideal for easing upper back pain.

The best way to avoid upper back pain is to try to avoid sitting or standing in the same position for extended periods, if it is possible try to have a stretch break every hour or so. This may not be possible therefore, you should try to find ways of jogging your memory throughout the day to keep your posture correct - put little notes round your computer screen! It will eventually come naturally and hopefully the problem will disappear.

If the problem is a major issue for you should see your GP ASAP and or at the very least seek out a Back Pain Specialist as soon as you can.

Terry O'Brien Back Trouble UK

Terry has been involved in General Medicine for over 20 years, he is a keen sports player and still turns out most Saturdays on the Rugby pitch, although his body wishes that he didn't!
Dragged up in Liverpool and supporting the BLUE half of Merseyside. Terry went on to study Medicine and initially serve in HM Forces, serving all over the world and completing just over 15 years service.
Terry launched Back Trouble UK, during 2007, however the Therapist Directory did not go online until January 2008. The main reason that Terry launched the website was so that people in the UK who were suffering from a Back Condition. Would have access to quality, clear, jargon free Back Pain Health Information, and online access to UK Registered Back Pain Practitioners. Other Sites: &

Originally published on for Terry O'Brien Friday, March 06, 2009
Article Source: Upper Back Pain Treatment.

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