Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Back Pain Relief

Author: Paul J. Marshall

For many humans who suffer with back pain, they live in constant agony;|I know how you feel. Living with back pain is liviing in constant agony. finding a back pain relief remedy is probably important to you and whilst there isn't a cure as yet, some treatments can help sufferers. Pain relief is possible with the medications available but that is all they do and the reason for the pain continues.While there are a host of prescription medications that help with pain relief, many are doing nothing more than masking the symptoms instead of tackling the underlying cause of the agony.

Many people with spinal problems become addicted to the medication that relieves the back pain but this should really be the responsibility of a doctor. The problem with the back is just how sstrong it is and at the same time how easily it can become damaged. Once spinal injury has occurred it can be a permanent condition, often caused by something as simple as bad posture.

Of course the most common way to injure your spine is by lifting heavy weights or lifting them incorrectly. Many people are now turning to other methods of gaining back pain relief which do not include the use of drugs. Tense muscles in the back can be eased just by gentle stretching; this provides relief and is simple to carry out.

Another type of treatment uses reflexology to massage the feet. It is a very old natural therapy which helps to relieve many chronic ailments. Often to compensate for our pain, the back muscles over compensate. Reflexology can help provide relief by improving the circulation which in turn relaxes these hard worked muscles.

The traditional Chinese medicine therapy acupuncture is now providing back pain relief with people suffering spinal problems in the West. The use of needles in Traditional Chinese medicine could be over 5,000 years old. The Chinese believe we all have this special energy force flowing through us, when we become sick it doesn't flow correctly. Acupuncture needles when inserted at particular points can release this energy. Many sufferers swear by the use of acupuncture and results from many tests often back this claim. This treatment has indicating the patient does receive pain relief by using this method.

Relief can also come from another Chinese treatment like tai chi which is a form of yoga but not so strenuous. Tai Chi focuses on breathing techniques and is a great way to relax your back. Whilst it involves some stretching and breathing exercises it is not too strenuous which means that anyone, young or old can take part in Tai Chi.

Natural back pain relief should really start with more frequent exercise which will not only help ensure the back is more flexible but help prevent spinal problems.

Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_882833_17.html

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