Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lower Back Pain

These days, some degree of lower back pain plagues almost everyone after the age of 40 - and sometimes younger. The amount of lower back pain relief remedies that we buy to obtain low back pain relief indicates that the problem is growing. This should come as no surprise. Many of our lifestyles demand long hours sitting in fixed positions (such as in front of a computer). Exercise has become a catch-as-you-can concept. Lack of muscle strength and suppleness in the vertebrae can result in injury and strain in the lower back. The lower back is extremely vulnerable because it is the fulcrum between the upper and lower body. People experience various types of lower back pain. Acute lower back pain strikes suddenly, usually because of damaged muscles, ligaments and tendons in the lower back. In severer cases, one or more vertebrae sustain injury and cause lower back pain. The event of origin is usually an accident, an attempt to lift something too heavy or a slip and fall incident. Anything that puts unaccustomed strain on the lower back can result in an injury that causes acute lower back pain.

In most cases, it is possible to treat acute lower back pain with over-the-counter lower back pain remedies. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy and/or exercise, massage and acupuncture are usually also helpful in providing low back pain relief.

However, lower back pain can also be a chronic disorder. The patient does not usually notice its progress, since it sets in over considerable time spans. Chronic lower back pain is far more serious than trauma-induced acute lower back pain, since the causes can include degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disc disease, spinal disc herniation and even cancer. In some cases, a difference in the patient's leg lengths can cause chronic and disabling lower back pain, too.

Once a diagnosis via X-ray or MRI confirms chronic lower back pain, surgery is often the only viable option. When degenerative problems are the cause, the doctor must address curing the disease while providing low back pain relief in the interim. In cases where leg length difference causes lower back pain, shoe inserts or building up the shoe heel can solve the problem. If a sedentary lifestyle devoid of sufficient movement causes chronic lower back pain, the patient must obviously adopt healthier living habits. Often, stretching, walking and other exercises that strengthen the back can solve the problem. Yoga is also very helpful in cases where the spine has lost its natural range of motion and flexibility. Sometimes, correcting one's posture can bring about long-lasting relief. Using an ergonomically designed office chair has also cured many cases of lower back pain among software professionals and other computer-bound employees.

Lower back pain can be extremely limiting and disabling. Those who notice its onset should not take it lightly. Taking pain relief medications for obtaining low back pain relief is valid only if one's doctor has not found any serious underlying causes for the problem.


  1. Pain is something that everybody has in their body and experience that quite often on different occasions due to so many different reasons like work pressure, mental stress and illness, marital difficulties and personal problems

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