Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ways And Means For Back Pain Prevention

Author: Kaylee Hayden

Back pain prevention is high on the medical agenda in the United States. Why? This is because it affects almost everyone in their lifetime. The ideal way to prevent discomfort in the back is by maintaining strong back muscles. A good fitness program must include strengthening and aerobic exercises at least two to three times every week.

By adopting a straight posture while sitting and standing up, you are taking a huge step towards back pain prevention. Do not bend your back while lifting objects. You could bend at the knees or hips to do so. Losing weight reduces strain on the back and also gives you a “feel-good” effect. Stop smoking. Using tobacco has led to severe health hazards, and you can add bone loss to that list.

Studies have shown that even elderly people benefit from regular strength-building exercises. These benefits include faster responses, better balance, reduced risk of osteoporosis, and improved mental alertness. Running a risk of developing osteoporosis depends on how much bone mass is built between the age of 25 and 35 and how quickly it is lost while growing older. Calcium and vitamin D in sufficient quantities along with regular exercise will ensure that your bones stay healthy and strong.

A high percentage of pregnant women complain of backache. This is caused due to the added weight that’s caused by pregnancy. Another reason is that the extra baby weight is carried in the front, which shifts the center of gravity forward, thus putting more strain on the lower back. Here, back pain prevention is possible by following the exercise program recommended by the physician. Kneeling on one knee while lifting objects and carrying the load closer to the body helps. You could try sleeping on your side with a pillow between the knees to reduce the pressure. Fortunately, most back aches occurring due to pregnancy resolve in time.

Exercise Tips

If you have had an accident or sports injury earlier, you need to consult a physician before starting with a back pain prevention program. The following tips should help you.

Stretching slowly and avoiding any sudden movement
Avoid overstretching to the point of discomfort
Repeat each exercise four to five times unless specified otherwise by your physician
If you feel dizzy while standing, stop immediately and sit down
Exercise regularly

Examples Of Back Exercises

Partial Sit-Up: Bend your knee, raise your head slowly with shoulders off the floor, and hold the position for 10 seconds
Press-Up: Lie down with your hands near your shoulders and pelvis on the floor. Then press up painlessly and hold it for 10 seconds. This is to be repeated 10 times
Knee-to-Chest Raise: Slowly pull the knees up to the chest in a lying-down position with neck and back relaxed and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat this 10 times

Backache affects most people at some or the other in their lifetime. Preventive measures including regular exercise, diet, and adopting a good body posture go a long way in back pain prevention.

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