Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to Handle Severe Back Pain

Everyday more and more people around the world experience one or the other kind of severe back pain. This pain could be due to over exertion, pregnancy, or some previous incident where the individual might have hurt his back. If you too are one of those who experience backache every now and then, then it is time to consult a doctor. Help is readily available, as medical science has made much advancement when it comes to the treatment for back pain.

Some Kinds Of Backache Therapies

Various therapies, which ease out the pain in the back, exist today. You could either use one of the several forms of medication or try one of the following methods to reduce or even get rid of your pain:-

  • Exercise and stretching techniques. Consult a physician before you start any exercise schedule. Train under a good physical expert who would be able to guide you on the kinds of exercises that you should undertake.
  • Try some nutritional supplements other than your regular intake of daily food. Again consult a doctor before you start with a supplement.
  • Back pain can get aggravated due to several reasons; one of them might be the stress of long working hours. Stress reduction techniques have known to make a difference that you might not observe with the other methods.
  • You could even try chiropractic manipulation which is a very common form of severe back pain treatment. This remedy involves a combination of chiropractic therapy along with medication. Muscle spasms are treated with muscle relaxants, nerve pain requires anti- inflammatory treatment and the more severe kind of pain is treated with opioids. These are morphine sedatives that are administered under proper medical guidance. Doctors advise this form of treatment only if the pain in the back has become unmanageable and no other form of medication is of any help.
  • Acupuncture is another successful procedure for the treatment of severe back pain. But as its results are temporary, this treatment should be done in combination with some other kind of long-term treatment. Acupuncture is generally chosen by those who are not comfortable with taking too many medicines.
  • If none of the above therapies work successfully to cure or even reduce the occurrence of back pain incidents, then probably only surgery might help.

Learn to take care of your back before you too are gripped with this unbearable pain. Use correct posture and lifting techniques and always keep your spine correctly angled. Get yourself a good mattress that gives proper support to your back. Act now to prevent severe back pain episodes later in life.

Severe back pain is something that all of us experience in our lives at some point of time. The various kinds of backaches can be categorized into a Severe lower back pain, a severe upper back pain or a chronic back pain.

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