Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Remedies and Causes of Back Muscle Pain

A weak body frame and lack of daily exercise can lead to back muscle pain in pregnancy. Pregnancy back pain is very common and about 60% of women suffer from it at one time or the other during their pregnancy period. In majority of cases the pain in the back disappears as soon as the child is delivered. However, it can turn into a life-long companion if neglected or ignored.

Know About Back Pain In-Depth

The severity of back muscle pain may vary from person to person. For some women it may be mild and bearable, whereas it may be acute or chronic for others. Generally it is mild unless you have a pre-pregnancy history of injury. Whatever the intensity of back pain, it is better to treat it at an earlier stage than to wait for the pain to worsen. A back pain therapist can treat your back pain with the aid of regular exercises and medication.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Make all possible efforts to reduce back pain in order to have a comfortable and easier pregnancy. You can ask your physician to prescribe some over-the -counter medications so that the pain does not turn into a chronic problem. You can also try some home remedies like hot packs, hot water therapy and a gentle massage to alleviate your persistent back muscle pain.

Generally there is no need to worry if the backache is mild and bearable. But in case of acute and chronic pain your doctor may suggest that you undertake some tests, such as MRI of spine, ultrasound of lower abdomen and some blood and urine tests. These tests are done in order to diagnose back pain causes and treat the problem effectively.

You should be wise enough to prevent back pain in the first place. For this, you can join some yoga classes to take care of backache at an initial level. This demon can destroy the pleasure of motherhood if not tackled well in time. You can join yoga classes as soon as you decide to become a mother and can continue them for the 9-month period. In addition to yoga, you should maintain a nutritious diet to ensure muscle development. A nutritional diet can also save you from accumulating excessive fat.

You can fight back muscle pain with a systematic and organized planning. You should not allow any such ailment to spoil the fun of being pregnant. So just take preventive measures to keep such ailments at a bay.

There can be multiple back pain causes, which may lead to back muscle pain during pregnancy. You can counter pregnancy back pain only by knowing its root cause.

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