Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Knots in Your Back - How Can You Get Rid of Back Spasms Between Your Spine and Shoulder Blade?

What exactly is that "knot" in your back and why did you get it? More importantly, how can you get rid of that knot?

That knot is a muscle or part of a muscle which is in spasm, or contraction. It probably developed because the muscle was stretched too much, too long, and it didn't like it. In a protective and natural response, your muscle kind of bunched up and became "tight." The correct word is actually "taut." There is a big difference between tight and taut.

So your knot is a muscle spasm. What can you do to "knot" have them anymore?

A woman told me she had a large, hard knot on her back, like a baseball. A massage therapist who tried to help her told her it was the worst she had ever seen. The therapist had no luck getting rid of the knot. Her doctor injected medicine to release the spasm--the knot--but that didn't help, either.

The reason the deep massage and other treatments didn't help was because they hadn't addressed the cause of her pain. The spasm was not the problem. Something else was causing the knot. Many doctors and therapists just don't understand how muscles work to cause pain, and so it's not surprising that they weren't successful.

Here is how your body works: All of your muscles attach to at least two bones. This allows you to move your body. If your muscles are tight on one side of your shoulder blade, they pull your shoulder blade slightly out of its' correct position. Then your shoulder blade pulls the muscles that attach to the opposite side of your shoulder blade. Those muscles don't like being pulled on and become "taut" and they create a spasm, or knot.

This spasm or knot is a natural reaction from muscles when they are stretched for a long period of time. This is how your body keeps the overstretched muscles from tearing or being injured.

So, the muscles that are short and pulling on your shoulder blade cause your knot but the short muscles don't usually complain. Instead their counterparts (opposite muscles) do complain. Very loudly. They let you know they are very unhappy!

If someone tried to release your knots with massage, pressure or medication, and if that muscle cannot get or stay relaxed, it is because the muscles and bones that originally caused the spasm are still pulling! It is a natural law that taut muscles cannot relax until the pulling muscles are relaxed.

After the pulling muscles have been released, then it's okay to massage the knots to help release them. Your taut muscles can relax then. Then the knots can be released with pressure therapy.

A very important thing to prevent future knots is to get a strong back. A strong back will keep your muscles from being overstretched and taut. It also benefits your whole body.

And now I'd like to invite you to discover easy, simple ways to get a strong back and pain-free posture at Join me, Kathryn Merrow, The Pain Relief Coach, on your journey to a pain-free life. "Because You Deserve to Feel Better!"

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