Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Swimming - Is it Good Or Bad For Back Pain?

When there are no injuries, no severe spinal deformities, or advanced degenerative processes in the spine, when the only problem causing back pain is weak muscles and prolonged and/or repeated bad posture - it is now a known fact that this is the case for 85 to 90% of back pain sufferers -, swimming regularly is an excellent choice of physical activity.

Swimming strengthens the back, the entire back, and it does that symmetrically. In fact, almost every muscle in your body is working when you are swimming. Additionally, this sport constitutes an excellent cardio-vascular form of exercise while being kind to your joints.

Which swimming style is the most recommended?

To help back pain, the two most recommended swimming styles are the front crawl and the backstroke. Breaststroke is not recommended as it can lead to more back pain if performed incorrectly, especially if you swim with your head constantly out of the water. This tends to put a great deal of pressure on the neck and it hollows the back.

If you have doubts about performing the crawl or the backstroke correctly, take one or two lessons to perfect your style in the beginning. There is no shame in wanting to do things right. You will feel safer about returning to physical activity and this is crucial. Most back sufferers fear hurting themselves and find it difficult to believe that their back is actually an extremely strong and sturdy structure, hence their reluctance to return to sport. The proven reality shows that, in fact, quite the opposite is true: a gradual return to a physical activity which strengthens the back muscles will in many cases of non-specific back pain (caused by weak muscles and bad posture only) eradicate completely and for good the pain.

Have you been suffering from back pain for years? Have you seen all the doctors and they can find nothing structurally wrong with your back? Then chances are you fall into the 85 to 90% of back pain cases which are simply caused by weak muscles and repeated bad posture. The only way to correct this is to start practicing a sport - or to do exercises - which strengthen the back muscles, all of them from top to bottom. Swimming is one of those sports. Don't hesitate to ask your local physical therapist for further advice.

Florence Cohen is a certified Medical Reflexologist from the International Institute of Reflexology who specializes in back pain. For more tips or facts about relieving or avoiding back pain you are welcome to visit . This is a very user-friendly informative website for back sufferers where you will find clear and simple to read information about the causes of back pain as well as the evidence-based science behind reflexology. All the resources are put at the visitors' disposal to quickly find a good reflexologist in their area (worldwide).

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