Saturday, April 25, 2009

Back Pain Reasons

Unfortunately it is a fact of life that most of us will experience a back pain episode at least once in our lifetime. For the lucky ones the pain may only last a day or two but for some of us back pain can have a drawn-out, life-altering effect. Obviously prevention is better than cure and by better understanding the most common causes of back pain we can take measures to decrease our chances of having a back pain episode.

Bad Posture - Bad posture is the cause of many back issues. In a time where computers are relied upon more and more the back pain cases due to poor posture has increased dramatically. Being mindful of your posture while you are spending time at your desk is paramount, as is taking frequent breaks and walking around to increase circulation.
Bad Lifting Practices - Often times when we have something to move we just move it without considering the weight of the object or what potential problems we are bringing to ourselves. I myself am guilty of this one and I am paying dearly for it now. As a motor mechanic with a busy workshop I would often move motors and the like by dragging them across the floor without thinking of the consequences. Mind you there was a perfectly good engine crane gathering dust in the corner but that would have taken too long! If only I had stopped and thought for a moment.

Lack Of Exercise - Our back muscles, like any muscle in our body needs to be stretched and put to use regularly to retain condition. After a period of inactivity our muscles become weak which puts more pressure on our bone joints which can lead to very painful conditions. Even doing half an hour of exercise per day can be enough to maintain muscle condition and of course can help just about every other facet of our health and well being.

Muscle Imbalances - According to a number of physiotherapists muscle imbalances are the number one cause of back pain. Even back pain that is considered severe or chronic has been successfully treated by addressing the imbalances in the muscles that support the spine and align the pelvis. Muscle imbalances are relatively simple to treat when armed with a good diagnostic and treatment program.
The good news is that the majority of back pain causes can be stopped in their tracks before back pain becomes a problem. Try being mindful of possible stresses that you are putting your body through on a daily basis but if back pain has already taken a hold there is help available that won't empty your back account for every fifteen minute visit!

For more information on how to take control of back pain for good please see and be sure to check out the All-Natural Pain Reliever Heal and Soothe.

Originally published on for Craig Wilson Sunday, April 12, 2009
Article Source: Back Pain Reasons

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