Saturday, April 25, 2009

Overweight Back Pain-Is That You?

The vast majority of people are aware of the more commonly known causes for being overweight, such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and colon cancer. The majority of people, however, are not fully conscious of the health risk posed by back pain through being overweight. Being overweight contributes to different symptoms the most common symptoms are osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease. If you are overweight and suffer from back pain you shouldn't take your problem lightly. The first instance of back pain can be considered as acute or short-term pain. After about 2 months the complaint is becoming chronic and usually much more difficult to treat than acute pain.

Fortunately, compared to some more complicated causes of back pain, back pain through being overweight is easy to identify. Even experienced doctors and physical therapists find it hard to exactly identify some causes of back pain, because the reasons can be of a very complex nature. However, if you are overweight you know the reason for your back pains. Your spine has the function to carry your body's weight and to balance your body. When your spine is forced to carry a lot of weight, this can lead to structural compromise, poor posture and even severe damages. Back pain through being overweight can easily lead to chronic complaints and you should take immediate action in order to get rid of your extra pounds.

The lower back is most susceptible to the effects of overweight. Lower back pain through overweight is caused by problems relating to your lumbar spine. Apart from being overweight, back pain is also caused by an insufficient amount of exercises for your back and your pelvis base as well as by a sedentary resulting in a poor flexibility and weak muscles in your lower back. This leads to your lower back being increasingly curved because the pelvis shifts slightly forward. The result is chronic lower back pain, and if you want to solve your problem you have to lose your extra pounds. Back pain through overweight is definitely curable by keeping a healthy and balanced diet.

The most important factor when it comes to weight loss is to permanently integrate some significant changes into your eating habits. If you change some important key factors on a permanent basis you won't fall into the yo-yo effect trap. Combined with some physical activity you will be able to lose weight once and for all. And by losing weight you will not only get rid of back pain through being overweight, but you will also be able to prevent some serious health issues, such as coronary heart disease and colon cancer.

Being overweight and obesity are about to turn into a global epidemic!

Terry has been involved in General Medicine for over 20 years, he is a keen sports player and still turns out most Saturdays on the Rugby pitch, although his body wishes that he didn't!
Dragged up in Liverpool and supporting the BLUE half of Merseyside. Terry went on to study Medicine and initially serve in HM Forces, serving all over the world and completing just over 15 years service.
Terry launched Back Trouble UK, during 2007, however the Therapist Directory did not go online until January 2008. The main reason that Terry launched the website was so that people in the UK who were suffering from a Back Condition. Would have access to quality, clear, jargon free Back Pain Health Information, and online access to UK Registered Back Pain Practitioners. Other Sites: &

Originally published on for Terry O'Brien Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Article Source: Overweight Back Pain-Is That You?

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