Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Backpain Treatment Through Acupuncture by Arnold Cafe

In a study of 1,162 adults with chronic lower back pain, forty eight percent in a group who underwent between 10 and 15 treatments with traditional Chinese “verum” acupuncture reported at least 1/3 less pain and an improvement in functional ability, with lasting benefit as compared to twenty seven percent of those reporting relief in the group undergoing drug and exercise therapy.

In verum acupuncture, 14 to 20 needles are inserted up to 1 1/2 inches (4 cm.) deep at “median” and other prescribed locations until the patient is said to experience a numbing sensation, called Qi.

A third group of patients underwent so called “sham” acupuncture, where needles are inserted randomly and less deeply around the painful area while avoiding the medians.

Of these, forty four percent relief for their back pain, more patients than conventional therapy and only slightly fewer than traditional acupuncture.

“The superiority of both forms of acupuncture suggests a common underlying mechanism that may act on pain generation, transmission of pain signals or processing of pain signals by the central nervous system and that is stronger than the action mechanism of conventional (drugs and exercise) therapy”, study author Dr. Michael Haake of the University of Regensburg, Bad Abbach, Germany, wrote in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

The researchers had hoped that the two acupuncture technique would identify whether the psychological or placebo effect was at work, in which patients’ positive expectations persuade them that the treatment helps. In the study, patients did not know the difference between the two techniques.

By some unknown mechanism, acupuncture may relieve pain regardless where the needles are placed, or the psychological and physical impacts combined to benefit more people in the verum acupuncture group, the study author wrote.

Between seventy and eighty five percent of people complain of back pain at some point in their lives, according to the study.

“Acupuncture gives physician a promising and effective option for chronic low back pain with few adverse effects and contraindications”, the study author concluded.

About the Author

Arnold Cafe is an active internet marketer author of Ideas Galore:


Low back pain is a usual symptom amoung the modern civilised people.It affects mainly the middle aged and young adults of both sexes.People who work on the chair with out exercise and those who carry heavy loads regularly are prone to get this complaint.We can hardly find a person who has not suffered from back pain atleast once in life.The causes of low backpain ranges from simple reasons like muscular strain to cancer of spine and hence backache should not be ignored.The pain is felt in lumbar and sacral region and may radiate to nearby sites.

The following are some causes for backache.

1) Backache due to diseases in the back.

2) Backache due to gynaecological problems.

3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

1) Backache due to diseases in the back:-- a) Injuries :-

1) Compression fracture of the vertebral column. 2) Rupture of intervertebral discs. 3) Injuries to ligaments and muscles of back. 4) Lumbosacral strain. 5) Intervertebral joint injuries. 6) Fracture of processes of vertebra.

b) Functional backache due to imbalance:-

1) During pregnancy. 2) Pot belly. 3) Diseases of the hip joint. 4) Curvature in the spine due to congenital defect. 5) Short leg in one side. c) Backache due to inflammatory conditions:-

1) Infection of the bone due to bacteria. 2) Tuberculosis of the spine. 3) Arthritis. 4) Brucellosis. 5) Lumbago or fibrositis. 6) Inflamation of the muscles. 7) Anchylosing spondylitis.

d) Backache due to degenerative diseases in the back.

1) Osteoarthritis. 2) Osteoporosis in old people. 3) Degenaration of the intervertebral disc.

e) Tumour in the spine:--

1) Primory tumour of the bones in the spine. 2) Metastatic tumours from other sites like prostate,lungs,kidneys,intestine ect.

2) Backache due to gynaecological problems:-

a) After childbirth. b) After gynaecological operations. c) Prolapse of the uterus. d) Pelvic inflammatory diseases. e) Cancerous lesions of the pelvic organs. f) Endometriosis.

3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

a) Renal stones. b) Ureteric stone. c) Cancer of prostate. d) Pancreatitis. e) Biliary stones. f) Peptic ulcer. g) Inflammations of pelvic organs. h) Occlusion of aorta and illiac arteries.

Investigation of a case of backache:-

1) Complete blood count.

2) Routine urine examination.

3) Ultrasonography of the abdomen and pelvis.

4) X-ray of the lumbar and sacral region.

5) MRI of the spine.

5) CT scan of abdomen and pelvic region.

6) Examination of rectum,prostate,genito urinary organs.

Treatment of back ache:-

1) Removing the cause for backache.

2) Symptomatic treatement.

2) Back exercises.

3) Traction.

3) Yoga.

5) Surgery.

7) Homoeopathy.

About the Author

PJ Germain
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Learn About The Causes Of Low Back Pain by Joy King

Low back pain is a usual symptom amoung the modern civilised people.It affects mainly the middle aged and young adults of both sexes. People who work on the chair with out exercise and those who carry heavy loads regularly are prone to get this complaint. We can hardly find a person who has not suffered from back pain atleast once in life. The causes of low backpain ranges from simple reasons like muscular strain to cancer of spine and hence backache should not be ignored.The pain is felt in lumbar and sacral region and may radiate to nearby sites.

The following are some causes for backache.

1) Backache due to diseases in the back.

2) Backache due to gynaecological problems.

3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

1) Backache due to diseases in the back:--

a) Injuries :-

1) Compression fracture of the vertebral column.
2) Rupture of intervertebral discs.
3) Injuries to ligaments and muscles of back.
4) Lumbosacral strain.
5) Intervertebral joint injuries.
6) Fracture of processes of vertebra.

b) Functional backache due to imbalance:-

1) During pregnancy.
2) Pot belly.
3) Diseases of the hip joint.
4) Curvature in the spine due to congenital defect.
5) Short leg in one side.

c) Backache due to inflammatory conditions:-

1) Infection of the bone due to bacteria.
2) Tuberculosis of the spine.
3) Arthritis.
4) Brucellosis.
5) Lumbago or fibrositis.
6) Inflamation of the muscles.
7) Anchylosing spondylitis.

d) Backache due to degenerative diseases in the back.

1) Osteoarthritis.
2) Osteoporosis in old people.
3) Degenaration of the intervertebral disc.

e) Tumour in the spine:--

1) Primory tumour of the bones in the spine.
2) Metastatic tumours from other sites like prostate,lungs,kidneys,intestine ect.

2) Backache due to gynaecological problems:-

a) After childbirth.
b) After gynaecological operations.
c) Prolapse of the uterus.
d) Pelvic inflammatory diseases.
e) Cancerous lesions of the pelvic organs.
f) Endometriosis.

3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

a) Renal stones.
b) Ureteric stone.
c) Cancer of prostate.
d) Pancreatitis.
e) Biliary stones.
f) Peptic ulcer.
g) Inflammations of pelvic organs.
h) Occlusion of aorta and illiac arteries.

Investigation of a case of backache:-

1) Complete blood count.

2) Routine urine examination.

3) Ultrasonography of the abdomen and pelvis.

4) X-ray of the lumbar and sacral region.

5) MRI of the spine.

5) CT scan of abdomen and pelvic region.

6) Examination of rectum,prostate,genito urinary organs.

Treatment of back ache:-

1) Removing the cause for backache.

2) Symptomatic treatement.

2) Back exercises.

3) Traction.

3) Yoga.

5) Surgery.

7) Homoeopathy.

About the Author

Author Joy King manages a Online medical advice website which is published by Vivienne Balonwu. Here you can get free advice on a wide range of medical conditions to help you understand you doctors explanations when you visit for medical consultations.

Stop Lower Back Ache Today ! by Aldo Bradford

Stop lower back ache forever and enjoy life !

Degenerative arthritis, spinal decline, degenerative disc disorder, and nearly every condition related as the producer of chronic lower back ache has some association with the loss of flexibility in the back.Any kind of injury which adjust ability our muscles, joints, ligaments, and vertebrae can account for major back pain or lower back ache and dwindle our lives quality drastically

A bruise in the back muscle area due to bending, twisting or picking up some weight is almost always a cause of backpain.Sitting for a long time can also result in lower back acheThe most common cause of lower back ache is a poor demeanor or positioning.

Lower back ache may appear without warning but it creeps up over a longer course of time and is mostly a consequence of a injury in the back muscles.

It is crucial that we find out the exact causes of the backpain.

The most general symptoms of lower back ache due to a slipped disc are the numbness in the legs and the back.

Back Pain can be sudden, periodic or lingering.Humans are searching for all kinds of ways to take the edge off symptoms such as ceaseless or dire backpain.For people to have a comfortable and attained life they need to purge or dramatically take care of back pain.

The actual doctoring of one's backpain can only be done after a qualified opinion of the factors causing the agony is done.Once you know what the complication is you can then watch for the cure that you need.Most back problems can be healed with well structured exercises and stretches yoga can tender far-reaching assistance for managing persistent pain and bettering flexibility.these exercises can be done in the pleasure of your home.

It is important that you only take counsel from people that are experienced to counselon spinal or back exercises

With the right technique you can re-align your spineharmonize your hip strengthen your muscles remove sciatica get rid oflower back ache forever.

About the Author

If Lower back ache is preventing you from living a full life
then you must check out this website on how you can stop lower back ache today !

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Is Your Job Causing Your Lower Back Pain?

Did it ever occur to you that your job could be causing that pain in your back? And it doesn't have to be a job that involves a lot of physical labor, such as heavy lifting, bending etc., either. In fact, chronic back pain is often far more related to psychological, rather than physical, causes.

An unsatisfactory career, obnoxious co-workers, unreasonable bosses and boredom can often produce low back pain.

Chronic back pain is the number one problem experience in the workplace today. To illustrate:

* The leading cause of disability in workers aged 19 - 45 is low back pain

* Billions of dollars are spent each year because of back pain symptoms

* Eight out of 10 people will experience low back pain in their lifetime

* Low back pain is most likely to occur between the ages of 30 and 50

Studies have found that many people have feelings of anxiety or depression prior to experiencing low back pain. Other psychological work-related factors, such as job dissatisfaction, problems with a boss or co-worker, boredom and stress, have an impact on the way the body responds to the everyday demands of the workplace.

Workers sometimes feel that they have been wronged in some way, maybe they have been passed over for a promotion or they haven't received the praise they deserve for a job well done. The resentment can show up as chronic low back pain.

A recent survey, conducted by the American Chiropractic Association, concluded that 80% of those suffering from chronic back pain would prefer a non-drug approach to treatment. However, most surveyed were taking pain medication to alleviate chronic pain symptoms. The survey also showed that over 64% would consider chiropractic care for their symptoms, yet only 13.8% were under active chiropractic care.

If you or someone you know is experiencing the debilitating effects of chronic low back pain, I recommend to find natural back pain remedies that can help relieve your back pain.

About the Author

Bill Esteb has been writing about natural health topics, particularly chiropractic and wellness subjects since 1981 when he began chiropractic care. He speaks regularly at chiropractic gatherings and his books are required reading at several chiropractic colleges. You can read his many contributions to alternative health care website

Top Five Ways For Back Pain Diagnosis

When nearly 80% of the adult population in the United States say, "Oh, my back hurts," at some point of time in their life, it becomes necessary for us to delve into the various aspects of back pain diagnosis. We usually relate this pain to the neck, upper back, lower back, and tailbone but actually, pain in the back can occur suddenly in any particular place or radiate to other areas; it can be chronic, constant or intermittent. So how do we know which type of back pain we have? Here are some ways to find out -

1. Physical Examination: Usually the discomfort of backache eases off on its own after a while. But if you do not get relief even after three days, it is better to consult your health care provider. Back pain diagnosis is usually done using a patient's history and detailed physical examination. The examination reveals reasons for the ache, its location, and duration under various physical conditions. During the examination, spine movement is tested and lower limb muscles are stretched. Previous records of kidney and pancreatic disorders also help in diagnosing conditions related to health background and age.

2.X-rays: These are done to check the alignment of the spine. Electromagnetic radiations take images of bones and internal organs and are generally painless. An X-ray of the spine, namely discography, causes discomfort and requires injections. This is recommended to identify the location of an injured disc, a main back pain cause. Small amounts of radiation pose minimal risk of damaging cells irrespective of age. The procedure could be over in a few minutes or take a while in case of a serious complication.

3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): This is another method of back pain diagnosis. It provides well-defined images of bone and soft tissue and serial slices through the lumber spine; helps detect annular tears, disc fragments and can even reveal infection and cancer. You have to however, remember that MRIs are costlier than X-rays and sometimes lead to unnecessary surgeries even when someone with a protruding vertebral disc does not complain of back pain.

4. Nerve Conduction Studies: Here surface electrodes are attached to the skin to monitor electrical functioning of muscles and nerve. The time taken for the impulse to travel from one electrode to another in noted down. This is used in back pain diagnosis to help confirm compression of nerves caused herniated discs or abnormal narrowing in blood vessels. It is also used to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome, a peripheral nerve disorder.

5. Electromography (EMG): Here wire electrodes are inserted into a muscle briefly and electrical activity noted visually on a screen. This procedure is quite painful and is recommended by a physician when a patient complains of weakness and numbness in the affected area. Muscle disorders like muscle dystrophy and nerve disorders such as peripheral neuropathy, nerve root compression, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are detected through this test.

About the Author

It is important to know that most of these tests are done in chronic back pain cases. More often than not a physical examination is the easiest method of back pain diagnosis.

Treating Backache With Back Pain Exercises

In most of the cases, backaches can be cured through back pain exercises. Exercise increases the blood flow of our body and keeps the muscles and bones healthy. It cuts down on the extra calories that cause flab in our body that results in back pain. These exercises help in strengthening of abdomen muscles, and increase the overall flexibility of our body.

To avoid backache, it is important to keep the other parts of the body - spine, rib, joints, and leg muscles, healthy too. So the exercises that we choose should focus on improving these related parts as well. Our exercise regimen should be a mix of exercises that focuses on each area of the body.

When we talk of back pain exercises, it can be in any form- cycling, jogging, walking, stretching, or simple yoga. These are general types of exercise that help in prevention of back pain, and other kinds of physical ailments. They are important for our overall fitness. Apart from this, swimming is an excellent stretch exercise that keeps our back fit for a long time.

Once we actually start suffering from acute or chronic back pain, then regular exercises like cycling, jogging, and swimming are not enough. In order to cure the excruciating pain in the back, we need to follow a proper and focused exercise regime. The exercises should focus on giving relief to that localized pain which keeps troubling you day and night.

Back pain exercises should be done in consultation with a medical practitioner, or physiotherapist. Only a professional medical practitioner can advise the right exercises that will work for your back pain. Its only a doctor who can decide whether your back can be cured by exercise, or needs some other therapy.

However, once you start doing exercises, you must take care of a few things in order to achieve the right results.

The Must Follow Rules While Exercising:

1. Do exercises in consultation with a professional practitioner. 2. Follow a proper time routine and series of exercises. 3. Start slowly and then gradually increase the frequency and time. 4. Do not over-do any exercise. 5. In case the pain increases after starting the exercise, immediately consult your practitioner. 6. Perform the steps in the right posture, and with the right way of breathing. 7. Never stop exercising suddenly unless the pain increases. 8. Always do warm ups before you start exercising. 9. If there is no improvement in pain within three weeks, consult your doctor.

Back pain should not be left unattended to, because chronic back pain can result in depression and inactivity. Backache should be cured either through back pain exercises, or any other therapy that is suitable. Visit for more information

About the Author

Back pain should not be left unattended to, because chronic back pain can result in depression and inactivity. Backache should be cured either through back pain exercises, or any other therapy that is suitable.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Back Pain and Cycling – Is Your Bicycle a Pain In the Back?

Its a no-brainer! - Keeping fit is a great way to avoid getting back pain and cycling is a great way to get fit. Cycling is undoubtedly fun AND good for you, but it can occasionally cause back pain – estimates suggest between 30-70% of us will get back pain when cycling. So what can you do if you feel that cycling increases your back pain?

The answer often lies with the bicycle itself, so follow these seven tips for getting it right so you can enjoy the benefits of keeping fit without the back ache.

Get the right type of bike

Pick a bicycle that’s specifically designed to do exactly what you want it to do. Fit for the purpose you want to use it for. There are three main types of bicycle; mountain bikes designed for off road use, racing bikes designed for speed and hybrid or town bikes which are designed for commuting or more casual riding.

Get a bicycle that’s the right size.

The correct size for a bicycle is calculated by measuring your inside leg and then multiplying it by .65 for a road bike. Different bikes need different measurements so check with your dealer.

Get the right seat-handlebar distance.

Each type of bicycle is slightly different in shape and there are key differences in areas such as the distance between saddle and handlebars - the top tube length. A greater distance between the seat and the handlebars requires you to lean further forward, changing the angle of your lower back. Women tend to need shorter top tubes then men.

Get the handlebar height right

Both mountain and racing bikes tend to have handlebars lower in height than hybrid bicycles. Too low and you may get back pain.

Get the angle of the seat right

An interesting study (1) looked at 80 frequent cyclists and discovered that 50% of them had back pain – all of them used either mountain or racing bikes. The researchers adjusted the angle of the riders’ saddles, and found that by tipping the nose of the seat down by between 10-15 degrees the riders back pain was much improved. Greater than 15 degrees caused discomfort and slipping forward off the seat. After 6 months 93% still felt a great deal better with either no pain or a significant reduction.

Get expert help

Make sure you buy a new bicycle from a reputable dealer who has the skills and experience to make sure you have the right bicycle to fit your shape and style of riding.

Test drive your bicycle

Go for a test drive! Make sure the bike feels good to use before you buy it – most good cycle shops will let you try out one or two before you decide to buy.

1. Salai M,et al. 1999, "Effect of changing the saddle angle on the incidence of low back pain in recreational bicyclists.", British Journal of Sports Medicine no. 33, pp. 398-400.

Originally published on for Paula Fitzpatrick Monday, November 19, 2007
Article Source: Back Pain and Cycling – Is Your Bicycle a Pain In the Back?

Upper Back Pain Treatment.

So what is the cause of upper back pain? "Overuse of Computers?"

In many instances bad posture is the culprit. This is often because we spend long periods of time sitting or standing in the same position, generally this tends to be in our place of work. Sitting at desk top computers is another source of this problem! By maintaining the same position the muscles in the upper back which connect the shoulders and help to keep our back straight become tense, stiff and painful.

If you find yourself suffering upper back pain it is highly likely that you have strained a muscle or maybe you have a slipped disc, both of these conditions can be extremely painful but are easily treated by your doctor following an accurate diagnosis using x-rays. Other causes of upper back pain include over enthusiastic physical exercise and most commonly heavy lifting which is carried out incorrectly i.e. without bending the knees and keeping the back straight.

Keeping fit through physical exercise should not be stopped because of upper back pain, indeed it is an excellent method to prevent this painful problem and can help in relieving symptoms. The use of weights as part of a gym workout may not be advisable, however if great care is taken and under close supervision of a trained professional it is still possible. There are numerous other types of exercise which can be continued whilst suffering upper back pain such as jogging or walking either using a treadmill at home or out on the streets. The whole aim is to prevent stiffening of the muscles.

Swimming has to be one of the best methods of exercise because it uses all the bodies muscles. When swimming above water the weight of your body is supported which lets the muscles and spine to relax and stretch out, ideal for easing upper back pain.

The best way to avoid upper back pain is to try to avoid sitting or standing in the same position for extended periods, if it is possible try to have a stretch break every hour or so. This may not be possible therefore, you should try to find ways of jogging your memory throughout the day to keep your posture correct - put little notes round your computer screen! It will eventually come naturally and hopefully the problem will disappear.

If the problem is a major issue for you should see your GP ASAP and or at the very least seek out a Back Pain Specialist as soon as you can.

Terry O'Brien Back Trouble UK

Terry has been involved in General Medicine for over 20 years, he is a keen sports player and still turns out most Saturdays on the Rugby pitch, although his body wishes that he didn't!
Dragged up in Liverpool and supporting the BLUE half of Merseyside. Terry went on to study Medicine and initially serve in HM Forces, serving all over the world and completing just over 15 years service.
Terry launched Back Trouble UK, during 2007, however the Therapist Directory did not go online until January 2008. The main reason that Terry launched the website was so that people in the UK who were suffering from a Back Condition. Would have access to quality, clear, jargon free Back Pain Health Information, and online access to UK Registered Back Pain Practitioners. Other Sites: &

Originally published on for Terry O'Brien Friday, March 06, 2009
Article Source: Upper Back Pain Treatment.

9 Easy Tips to Help Prevent Lower Back Pain

Persistent nagging back pain, that which is not the result of an injury, is often preventable.

Using a combination of mild stretching exercises that don't jar or strain the back, good posture and proper lifting techniques can often relieve the pain.

Here are 9 easy-to-do tips to help you maintain a pain-free lower back:

1. Always do stretches before exercising or doing other strenuous physical activity.

2. Sit and stand properly and straight. Don't slouch. Keep your weight balanced on both feet when standing. When sitting, keep your shoulders back. Switch sitting positions often and occasionally get up and walk around to stretch muscles and relieve tension.

3. Examine your working areas (especially the computer) and make sure they are always at a comfortable and easy to use height.

4. If you sit for long periods of time, invest in a good chair with lumbar support and one that is adjustable to the proper position and height for the task.

5. Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.

6. Always sleep on a firm mattress.

7. Don't try and lift objects too heavy for you. Lift properly. If you don't know how, look it up on the internet. There are many good sites with diagrams to help you.

8. Maintain proper nutrition and diet and drink plenty of water. Take a vitamin C and Calcium supplement if you need.

9. Quit smoking. Besides all the other harmful things smoking does to your body it also reduces blood flow to the lower spine and causes the spinal discs to degenerate.

You can learn more about how to Prevent and Cure Back Pain with Best Home Courses Free 63 Page Ebook Stop Back Pain. Learn what causes back pain and the exercises and treatments that can help Stop It.

It's totally free to download. No purchase required. Just click and get.

Feel better and have less pain in just days with Stop Back Pain.

James London-DeVasher Originally published on for Mark Hester Thursday, April 23, 2009
Article Source: 9 Easy Tips to Help Prevent Lower Back Pain

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Computer Games Are Responsible For Increased Back Pain In Children!

The problem of low back and neck pain in teenagers is likely to increase significantly in years to come.

This seems on the cards considering the associated health problems of obesity, reduced levels of activity, and the popularity of passive entertainment systems such as play stations that encourage further inactivity and prolonged sitting posture in the adolescent age group.

Terry O'Brien of Back Trouble UK says "While 80 percent of the population are likely to experience low back pain at some stage in their life, there is a worrying trend in the amount of back pain experienced by teenagers.

It is well founded that having another family member with a history of back pain means you are more likely to develop back pain as an adolescent. As does poor family functioning and increased life stress.

Higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression are also associated with adolescent back pain.

Back pain is commonly provoked by sporting activity and static postures such as sitting. It is also known that specific sporting groups such as rowers are at higher risk of back pain.

Children seem to fall into two broad groups, those doing very little activity and those doing too much. Both groups are prone to back pain. However it is the worrying trend of inactivity amongst adolescents that is the greatest cause for concern. Fuelled by the dramatic increase in computer games and multi-media consoles."


We've all felt neck or back pain at one point or another, especially those of us who spend a lot of time in front of a computer. Sitting puts stress the back and neck and the longer you sit, the more strain you place on yourself. With back and neck pain it is important to know that the torso is a system of interrelated parts, and symptoms in the arms, legs, head, and chest such as tingling, sharp pains, burning, spasm, vague aches, soreness, lack of muscle strength, and stiffness are all possible indicators of back or neck problems.

Neck Pain often begins gradually as a result of fixed staring at a small area or glancing repeatedly from one to another (from the screen to a document on your desk for example). If the head is held at an angle greater than 15 degrees (for example holding the phone between your neck or shoulder, or looking down at your keyboard) will cause greater muscular fatigue and pain will become apparent more rapidly.


Be sure you have a proper workstation set-up.

Take active breaks, move around and do a few stretches.

Shift positions every now and then. Try not to fall habitually into one computer position - even small changes help avoid overtaxing certain muscles.

Use a headset for your phone - crooking a phone between your shoulder and cheek is one of the worst things you can do to your neck.

Use a document stand so you aren't constantly looking down while you are typing. Position it at the same height as your monitor, and close to one side.

Back Pain

Sitting is one of the hardest positions in which to maintain proper posture, and many computer users regularly feel back pain. Spinal compression is one of the most common problems because sitting tends to tilt the pelvis backward, flattening the lumbar curve and resulting in uneven and increased pressure on spinal disks.

Continual Prevention

Along with the same preventative measures mentioned above for neck pain you can:

Try not to round your shoulders - this puts extra pressure on your upper spine.

Stay active, get up and move around to circulate your blood. Sitting still for too long can slow blood circulation and muscle fatigue can set in.

Practice back safety everywhere - bend at the knees to pick up heavy objects, watch your posture, don't slouch, keep your shoulders back, head high, and stomach tucked in to help the back muscles hold your own weight.

Consider pain medication such as aspirin or ibuprofin for mild or occasional back pain, but if pain persists see a GP, Doctor or a professional physical therapist.

Terry O'Brien

Terry has been involved in General Medicine for over 20 years, he is a keen sports player and still turns out most Saturdays on the Rugby pitch, although his body wishes that he didn't!
Dragged up in Liverpool and supporting the BLUE half of Merseyside. Terry went on to study Medicine and initially serve in HM Forces, serving all over the world and completing just over 15 years service.
Terry launched Back Trouble UK, during 2007, however the Therapist Directory did not go online until January 2008. The main reason that Terry launched the website was so that people in the UK who were suffering from a Back Condition. Would have access to quality, clear, jargon free Back Pain Health Information, and online access to UK Registered Back Pain Practitioners. Other Sites: &

Originally published on for Terry O'Brien Thursday, April 02, 2009
Article Source: Computer Games Are Responsible For Increased Back Pain In Children!

Post Partum Pain- Back Pain after Child Birth!

Q: Since I have had my last baby I have experienced a burning feeling down through my sacro-iliac joint. Occasionally I feel an ache deep in my bum. And I would appreciate some advice from you. I had this baby, just like my first, by Caesarean section?

Answer: This type of pain is often known as the ‘lumbo-pelvic conundrum'. This is because pain which appears to be coming from the sacro-iliac joint at the back of the pelvis can arise from the joint itself, the joints of the low lumbar vertebra, nerve roots emerging from these vertebra, and from muscles and the tendinous tissue through which they attach into the back of the pelvis.

Then we have the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the leg and which passes down the back of the thigh, emerges through the back of the pelvis under some muscles which often become tight in runners.

A complication can be the after-effects of pregnancy and childbirth.
In the last three months of pregnancy, the baby grows substantially, filling the relatively small space in the abdomen between the bladder at the front and the spinal column at the back. This can lead to excessive pressure on the structures at the front and sides of the low lumbar spine, leading to persistent problems with discomfort and pain after delivery.

During the latter stages of pregnancy and particularly delivery, the sacro-iliac joints and ligaments are stretched, and it is thought that this can lead to a misfit at the joints after the birth. However, in the case of your Caesarean section, this final stretch is avoided.
From the symptoms that you describe, it seems likely that tension in the sciatic nerve has a role in producing your pain.

A Registered Physical Therapist such as a chartered physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractic doctor should be able to assess the mobility of the sciatic nerve. It is quite common for impingement of the nerve to occur in the buttock area under a little muscle called the piriformis. Which rotates the hip outwards and can become tight during pregnancy.

Tension in the nerve can be corrected through simple exercise and some manipulation. My advice would be to visit a Registered Physical Therapist who has specialist manipulative training, who will be able to help you with this type of problem.

You can be shown some simple exercises to perform regularly yourself, as well as specific muscle-stretching exercises to ensure mobility around the low back and pelvic areas.
Terry O'Brien.

Terry has been involved in General Medicine for over 20 years, he is a keen sports player and still turns out most Saturdays on the Rugby pitch, although his body wishes that he didn't!
Dragged up in Liverpool and supporting the BLUE half of Merseyside. Terry went on to study Medicine and initially serve in HM Forces, serving all over the world and completing just over 15 years service.
Terry launched Back Trouble UK, during 2007, however the Therapist Directory did not go online until January 2008. The main reason that Terry launched the website was so that people in the UK who were suffering from a Back Condition. Would have access to quality, clear, jargon free Back Pain Health Information, and online access to UK Registered Back Pain Practitioners. Other Sites: &

Originally published on for Terry O'Brien Thursday, April 09, 2009
Article Source: Post Partum Pain- Back Pain after Child Birth!

Overweight Back Pain-Is That You?

The vast majority of people are aware of the more commonly known causes for being overweight, such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and colon cancer. The majority of people, however, are not fully conscious of the health risk posed by back pain through being overweight. Being overweight contributes to different symptoms the most common symptoms are osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease. If you are overweight and suffer from back pain you shouldn't take your problem lightly. The first instance of back pain can be considered as acute or short-term pain. After about 2 months the complaint is becoming chronic and usually much more difficult to treat than acute pain.

Fortunately, compared to some more complicated causes of back pain, back pain through being overweight is easy to identify. Even experienced doctors and physical therapists find it hard to exactly identify some causes of back pain, because the reasons can be of a very complex nature. However, if you are overweight you know the reason for your back pains. Your spine has the function to carry your body's weight and to balance your body. When your spine is forced to carry a lot of weight, this can lead to structural compromise, poor posture and even severe damages. Back pain through being overweight can easily lead to chronic complaints and you should take immediate action in order to get rid of your extra pounds.

The lower back is most susceptible to the effects of overweight. Lower back pain through overweight is caused by problems relating to your lumbar spine. Apart from being overweight, back pain is also caused by an insufficient amount of exercises for your back and your pelvis base as well as by a sedentary resulting in a poor flexibility and weak muscles in your lower back. This leads to your lower back being increasingly curved because the pelvis shifts slightly forward. The result is chronic lower back pain, and if you want to solve your problem you have to lose your extra pounds. Back pain through overweight is definitely curable by keeping a healthy and balanced diet.

The most important factor when it comes to weight loss is to permanently integrate some significant changes into your eating habits. If you change some important key factors on a permanent basis you won't fall into the yo-yo effect trap. Combined with some physical activity you will be able to lose weight once and for all. And by losing weight you will not only get rid of back pain through being overweight, but you will also be able to prevent some serious health issues, such as coronary heart disease and colon cancer.

Being overweight and obesity are about to turn into a global epidemic!

Terry has been involved in General Medicine for over 20 years, he is a keen sports player and still turns out most Saturdays on the Rugby pitch, although his body wishes that he didn't!
Dragged up in Liverpool and supporting the BLUE half of Merseyside. Terry went on to study Medicine and initially serve in HM Forces, serving all over the world and completing just over 15 years service.
Terry launched Back Trouble UK, during 2007, however the Therapist Directory did not go online until January 2008. The main reason that Terry launched the website was so that people in the UK who were suffering from a Back Condition. Would have access to quality, clear, jargon free Back Pain Health Information, and online access to UK Registered Back Pain Practitioners. Other Sites: &

Originally published on for Terry O'Brien Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Article Source: Overweight Back Pain-Is That You?

Back Pain Reasons

Unfortunately it is a fact of life that most of us will experience a back pain episode at least once in our lifetime. For the lucky ones the pain may only last a day or two but for some of us back pain can have a drawn-out, life-altering effect. Obviously prevention is better than cure and by better understanding the most common causes of back pain we can take measures to decrease our chances of having a back pain episode.

Bad Posture - Bad posture is the cause of many back issues. In a time where computers are relied upon more and more the back pain cases due to poor posture has increased dramatically. Being mindful of your posture while you are spending time at your desk is paramount, as is taking frequent breaks and walking around to increase circulation.
Bad Lifting Practices - Often times when we have something to move we just move it without considering the weight of the object or what potential problems we are bringing to ourselves. I myself am guilty of this one and I am paying dearly for it now. As a motor mechanic with a busy workshop I would often move motors and the like by dragging them across the floor without thinking of the consequences. Mind you there was a perfectly good engine crane gathering dust in the corner but that would have taken too long! If only I had stopped and thought for a moment.

Lack Of Exercise - Our back muscles, like any muscle in our body needs to be stretched and put to use regularly to retain condition. After a period of inactivity our muscles become weak which puts more pressure on our bone joints which can lead to very painful conditions. Even doing half an hour of exercise per day can be enough to maintain muscle condition and of course can help just about every other facet of our health and well being.

Muscle Imbalances - According to a number of physiotherapists muscle imbalances are the number one cause of back pain. Even back pain that is considered severe or chronic has been successfully treated by addressing the imbalances in the muscles that support the spine and align the pelvis. Muscle imbalances are relatively simple to treat when armed with a good diagnostic and treatment program.
The good news is that the majority of back pain causes can be stopped in their tracks before back pain becomes a problem. Try being mindful of possible stresses that you are putting your body through on a daily basis but if back pain has already taken a hold there is help available that won't empty your back account for every fifteen minute visit!

For more information on how to take control of back pain for good please see and be sure to check out the All-Natural Pain Reliever Heal and Soothe.

Originally published on for Craig Wilson Sunday, April 12, 2009
Article Source: Back Pain Reasons

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Constant Back Pain Under Left Rib Cage

Back pain under the left rib cage is a dilemma for all patients suffering from it. Any constant pain is viewed by doctors as a very serious disorder or disease and requires immediate attention and cure. The rib cage is a formation that is composed by the thoracic vertebrae and ribs, sternum-breastbone, and the coastal cartilages that links the ribs to the sternum. The term cage is defined as a structure to house animals. The rib cage is a similar structure which houses and also protects the animal heart and lungs, also known as a thoracic cage in medical terms.

In the chest-thorax region, nerves spring out from the spine and divide into two parts. The first part goes to just under the skin and further sends fibers to the surface and also travels around half way around the chest. This is a probable reason for the feeling of pain in the back to the side of the chest. The second part travels to the bottom of the rib around the sternum bone, and also surfaces to the skin and then goes back towards the side on the same level as the first nerve. Rib cage pain can be any pain or discomfort in the area of the ribs.

A fractured or cracked rib can cause rib cage pain, costochondritis, inflammation of the cartilage near the breastbone, osteoporosis and pleurisy. If you do encounter such ribcage you must first get the area x-rayed so as to determine if your ribs are fractured. In the event of a fractured rib an immediate surgery should be scheduled. If you've been suffering this pain for a long period of time (3 months or more) it's necessary to go for an MRI or CT scan and consult a professional to check for nerve damage, tumor or cancer.

Pain due to inflammation of cartilage between ribs and breastbone can radiate around the back and down the arms. Such type of pain could be enormous enough to give you a syndrome that you are having a heart attack or lung problems. Though this condition is benign but it is very painful and uncomfortable during the period it lasts.

There are instances when constant back pain under left rib cage makes you visit a specialist in gastroenterology since the problem starts with your stomach. Your stomach feels empty and you feel that a big growl wants to come out, nothing that you end to eat makes it better, you often get heart burn and a pain in the left side underneath rib cage. Routine blood pathology should be conducted to eliminate any infection of the intestine or pancreas. Digestive, gastro and bowel disorders must be ruled out by seeking medical advice. Such symptoms might make you start wondering that it is due to twisted bowel, you might have to go for a check up of colon.

Constant pain under the left rib cage is very uncomfortable for pregnant women especially those in advanced stages of pregnancy. They experience extreme pain near the area where the ribcage and breast meet. The pain causes extreme trauma and sometimes makes it difficult to sleep.

Say goodbye to your problems of thoracic back pain. Download your NO COST report on how to rid your back pain now! Also discover if lower back pain and high heels can be a reason for back pain.

Article Source:

How To Get Nice Muscle Tone And Build An Attractive Muscular Body

Most people know that they need to lift weight build muscles

. However many just want to have nice muscle tone and an attractive but not too muscular body as they do not want big muscles. So they just lift light weights with high repetitions. Well, it is not going to work. To have nice muscle tone, you will have to build some muscles right? So you will have to lift heavy to force your muscles to grow. Once you are satisfied with the size of your muscles, you will then need to cut your body fats for your muscles to show up well and that means nice muscle tone.

You need to have a solid commitment and knowledge to get nice muscle tone and build an attractive muscular body. Here are some muscle building tips. Before you commence weight training, remember to warm up and as well as doing some stretching exercises.

•Train Muscle With Free Weights

Machines will have its uses, but for a start, concentrate on free weights. That means work almost exclusively with barbells and dumb bells. Free weights recruit many stabilizing muscles for balance and control. That means you will work a lot more muscle parts other than the intended ones. That will give rise to little bumps, striations and definitions all over your body instead of one huge lump of muscle on your intended muscle. Because of the extra stimulant created, your muscles grow faster too. Why else do you think all professional body builders almost exclusively use free weights?

•Train With Compound Exercises

Incorporate as many compound exercises as possible to your routines. Compound exercises are exercises that involve 2 or more joint movements. Because they utilize more joints, which means greater muscle mass are involved. Greater muscle mass means heavier weights. Heavier weights mean encouragement of greater muscle growth. More muscle growth means more tone to your muscles.

Some excellent compound exercises are the Squat, Deadlift, Chin ups, Dips, Bench press, Barbell Press, Lunges, Bent-Over Barbell Row...etc.

•Train Intensively But Do Not Over train

You must train intensively for your muscle to grow. Try to do more reps or add more weight than the previous session or else your muscles will think (actually muscles don't think, they adapt), "Ah... we've done that. Nothing new, so no need to grow bigger and stronger." That being the case, you will wreck your chances of attaining an attractive muscular body.

Because of this, it is important that every time you train hard, you give your body time to recover as it has suffered strains and actually sustained many small scarring. Contrary to popular belief, your muscles grow when you rest, especially when you sleep and not in the gym. So sleep at least 8 hours a day. Also, do not train everyday or work the same muscle group more than once or twice a week. If your training was vigorous enough, do no more than an hour per session.

Try not to do cardio work on the same day as your weight lifting work. In fact, during the muscle building phase, you should do less cardio work as aerobic exercises burn muscles. You can increase your cardio work at cutting body fat phase, so as to lose body fat in order for your muscle tone to show up nicely.

•Technique And Form

This is the most neglected fundamental of bodybuilding. Everywhere, everyday, you will see people using wrong forms and techniques. This not only compromises your growth, it will also make you susceptible to injuries... sometimes even permanently putting you out of the gym.

Wrong form occurs usually when people try to lift weights that are too heavy, whether out of vanity or ignorance. As a guide, always lift with strict focus on the muscle you intend to build for that exercise. Feel it contract and extend. Lift the weights deliberately and slowly. Never ever swing your weights up especially when doing bicep curls or the military press.

•To Build Muscles Fast You Must Perform Lower Body Exercises!

This is what most people don't realize. Your lower body makes up 60-70% of your musculature. If you don't train them, not only will you look spider-legged, your entire body will not grow as quickly and as large. Don't think that you can hide those skinny limbs in pants! Most people do not train their legs because squats, dead lifts and lunges can be very grueling exercises. But it is precisely because of such intensity that you will produce more growth hormones when you sleep and overall muscular development is stimulated. Your body shape will also be more balanced and therefore more attractive.

Do read up more to understand how your muscles work and then work on it so that in no time you will be a proud owner of a well tone attractive muscular body.

Article Source:

Bad Circulation - Am I A Victim?

There are millions of people around the globe taking treatment for bad circulation, and there are many others who suffer from bad circulation, but not aware of that. Most people ignore the symptoms or take it lightly and hence fail to diagnose it in time. When the person dies all of a sudden, then only others realize that he/she was suffering from bad circulation. This is why bad circulation is sometimes referred as a silent killer.

Bad circulation, in medical terminology Peripheral Vascular Disease PVD, is a medical condition which is somewhat similar to carotid artery disease and coronary artery disease. Bad circulation is caused when fatty deposits are accumulated in the inner linings of the artery wall. This accumulation results in the blockage of blood circulation. Bad circulation in arteries leads to the kidneys, arms, hand, legs, and feet. Most people who suffer from bad circulation may have fatty deposits in the arteries of brain and heart. This can cause the death of the patient from heart attack and stroke.

Bad circulation is considered as a serious condition and can result in heart attacks, loss of limbs, stroke, and in many cases even death. However if found in the early stages, bad circulation may be prevented or treated in the early stages with meditation, drug treatment, surgery, life style changes, or mostly a combination of all these treatments.

Some of the main symptoms of bad circulation are legs and or feet falling to sleep, cramping of the buttocks, legs, or feet, pain in the legs, swelling of the legs, tired aching feet; and very low temperature in your hands, arms, legs, or feet. If you feel that you have some or most of the symptoms then you may have been suffering from bad circulation. It is better to visit your family doctor and take a complete check up. Bad circulation can be diagnosed by a physical examination, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging angiography MRA, and X-ray angiography.

Some lifestyle changes which can help you to lower your risk include controlling diabetes, quit smoking, controlling blood pressure, and consuming low cholesterol diet. Bad circulation can be prevented to some extend by taking healthy fat free diet and regular exercises.

All we have to do is take a good look at the lifestyle we are living and it should be quite obvious to everyone why this is happening. First of all most people do not get enough exercise which is a crucial factor in allowing our blood to circulate properly. Bad circulation can lead to heart attack and strokes and if that is not enough all the fast food and fatty foods most people eat, only add to the problem.

Article Source:

Thigh Exercises For Women

For women, shaping the muscles of the thighs is an important fitness goal. A shapely lower body is considered very feminine, and the right proportion of the waist to the hips is part of the equation. It's surprising, but true, thigh toning exercises can be done at home, without equipment and results can be seen in 4-6 weeks. Also, did you know that thigh and hip toning gadgets are not required if you know which exercises work, and how to do them. Most importantly, thigh exercises are most effective when combined with aerobic exercise and a healthy diet.

This means that women must not only do the right thigh exercises, but also include aerobic exercise and sound nutrition to get best results. The following exercises are the most effective front thigh exercises for women. The routine also includes inner thigh and rear thigh exercises.

For best results, start with 15-20 repetitions and one set. Increase gradually to 2 sets. Complete the routine at least 2 times a week for best results. This is an effective beginner to intermediate toning program. Please remember that these numbers are general guidelines only. For an optimum program tailored to your needs, please consult a certified personal trainer. If you have any injuries or medical ailments, please obtain a physicians
clearance before starting any exercise program.

Wall Squat: Front Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: – Place your upper back against a smooth wall. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Distribute your body weight equally between both feet and lean back against the wall. Movement: – Inhale, keeping your heels in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position while sliding down the wall. Exhale as you slowly straighten your legs, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.

Standing Dumbbell Squats: Front Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position:- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang down at your sides. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Distribute your body weight equally between both feet. Movement:- Inhale, keeping your heels in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position. Exhale as you slowly straighten your legs, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required. 5 lb dumbbells work well, but you can start with 2 lbs and then work your way up to 5 lbs within 3-5 weeks.

Lunges: Front Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: – Assume a standing position with your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Grasp a barbell with a wider than shoulder width grip and place it across your shoulders. Movement: – Inhale, keeping your back vertical and slightly arched, slowly step forward with one leg making a long stride, lowering your body down slowly until your rear knee lightly touches the floor (if you cannot go as low as this, then work your way up to it over 2-3 weeks). Exhale and shift your weight backwards, taking one step (or 2-3 small steps if that sounds difficult) to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Remember to consult your doctor before this or any other knee exercises if you have had any knee trouble!

Lying Face Down: Front Thigh Stretch.
Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on a matt with your legs together. Movement: Reach behind you and grasp your right ankle with your left hand. Pull your right heel up as far as you can. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Please remember to hold for 10 seconds for this stretch.

Seated Split Stretch: Inner Thigh Stretch.
Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt and spread your legs as far as you can. Movement: Lean to your right side and reach for your toes. Rest your hands on your toes or at your ankle. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side.

Seated Butterfly: Inner Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your back straight. Movement: Bring the soles of your feet together and pull them in as close to your body as you can. Allow your hands to rest on your feet or to apply light pressure to your thighs. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Hold this position for 10 seconds. You will find this most effective if you gently push your knees down using your hands, be careful not to push too much.

Seated Hip Twist: Outer Thigh And Rear Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your legs straight out in front of you. Movement: Bend your right knee and place your right foot over your left leg. Wrap your arms around your right knee and gently pull it in towards your left shoulder. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Remember to hold for 10 seconds.

Lying Leg Pull: Total Thigh Exercise.
Starting Position: Lie on your back on an exercise matt with your knees in the air and feet flat on the floor. Movement: Bring your right heel to rest on your left thigh. Loop your hands around your left thigh and pull it towards your chest. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Remember to hold for 10 seconds in each set.
Article Source:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Arthritis exercise, quick tips

Maintaining joint mobility, range of motion as well as strength, with the help of exercise, is important in arthritis.

Exercise has been shown to improve quality of life, and maybe even help to relive pain/ discomfort.

There are no universal exercises for arthritis; basically all types of multi–joint movements/exercises are beneficial.

For best results use a fitness professional, maybe a physiotherapist, to jumpstart your exercise program.

Here are a couple of tips to make most out of exercising.

Tip 1 - Pain free movements

Try to do only totally pain free movements, while it may not always be possible it should be used as the basic rule of thumb. Exercising through pain may lead to unnecessary complications.

One way to lessen the changes of pain during exercise is to massage the involved muscles before exercise.

The idea is to try to find tender spots from the muscles near the pain area and massage them.

These spots are sometimes called as trigger points and are frequent cause for pain in arthritic conditions.

Tip 2 - Whole body exercise

Squat is a great exercise for those who are suited to do it, squatting promotes proper joint function, mobility and strength in key joints (hip & knee)

If you can, and start squatting, you want also do exercise called reverse back extension to balance the development of muscles. (It helps to strengthen the posterior chain; hamstrings, spine erectors etc.)

Tip 3 – Supplementation

Dietary supplements might also help to ease the pain in arthritis and can be used to boost the positive effects of exercise.

The most popular supplements for arthritis are; glucosamine, chondroitin and msm - they appear to be most beneficial in osteoarthritis.

I have friends who have had great experiences with these supplements, and thus recommend them wholeheartedly.


More information at pain relief guide site, quick links below

Free trigger point tutorial and pain charts (beta) available at home page.

By Karri Koivula
Published: 9/9/2005

The BEST Exercises for Your Back

Have you ever wondered what the most effective ways to build back muscles are? There's so many exercises to choose from that it can be confusing to know exactly which ones will make your back stronger.

Over the last 16 years, I've done just about every back exercise. Granted, not all the variations, heck, I thought I knew them all but I'm continually shocked to learn a few new movements that make me sore again like a teenager who hits the weights for the very first time (breaks into Top 80's song by Madonna)....

After doing many back exercises myself, the most effective back exercises you can do are the following:

* Assisted wide-arm chin up (or regular pull ups)

* Assisted chin up ( or regular pull ups)

* Barbell rows

* Wide-arm lat pull downs

* Close-grip lat pull downs

* Dumbbell rows

* Wide-arm cable rows

* Close-grip cable rows

More important than that...

In that order! That's right. Not only are those a list of the most effective back exercise but they are in order of overall back development importance. Re-read this section again until it soaks in. While you might have 10,000 exercises to choose from, not all of them will be as effective in making your lats so wide it will be hard to walk thru the door.


If you want big barndoor lats, then pull ups are the king. Followed by barbell rows. You'll get a thick, strong back just with pull ups. Add in the barbell rows and you are doing the exercises most professionals do.

You will probably see a lot of males/females on the cable row machine. And much like squats, you'll only see a handful of people who can or will do pull ups on a regular basis.

Those are the ones who will have bigger and better developed backs then the cable rowers or the people who use those machines week after week. There's absolutely nothing wrong at all with variety but a common mistake so many people make is sticking with lesser known exercises and completely missing out on the foundational exercises.

Hopefully you know that if you want the best leg development possible, then you cannot beat squats. Just like squats hit all the muscle of the leg, pull ups will work all the muscles of the back.

Between the exercises listed above, you will be doing the top notch, fundamental exercises for overall back development and growth by doing pull movements and row movements. Your muscles will be forced to grow!

If anybody has ever told you that you 'have a hole in your back.' They won't after you start including these in your weekly line up.

And if you think you can only do one style of pull up it only takes a little imagination to realize that even pull ups can be varied quite a lot to hit the muscle from different angles. Even with rowing movements, you can row to the stomach for a completely different focus on muscle then if you row to the chest or row to the chin.

It's all back but the variety will really stimulate the area. Next time you do any rowing movements, think about where the bar is going. Lower, middle or higher. Each variation will help with development and keep you from hitting that dreaded plateau!

Not only will your back become stronger but you'll experience full development. That's exactly what you want to do. Variety and sticking with the basics.

Sound familiar? It is.

If you want the best back development, you'll include pull ups. And then pick and choose from the list above in terms of effectiveness after that. You can do any number of additional back exercises for variety and variation.

The truth is...

Many people cannot or will not do pull ups. But they will spend their time on every other machine or use all kinds of isolation exercises to work the back muscles. They are simply missing the point. Make sure you include pull ups and the other most effective exercises in your arsenal and you are almost guaranteed to boost your back development by a notch or two.

If you really want a challenge, see how many high quality pull ups you can do or add weight. You'll bring yourself to the next level.

Marc David is a bodybuilder and author of the, Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can get info on Marc's e-book at: To get Marc's free e-zine, visit
By Marc David
Published: 9/19/2006

How to Sculpt the Perfect Six Pack

Strong Abs help prevent injury, strengthen your back, and increase athletic performance. Not to mention, they’re just plain sexy.

However, in a world of instant gratification, it’s not so easy to obtain the body of your dreams. The media is constantly attacking you with thousands of lies, trying to send you messages about what you should eat, when you should eat, and where you should eat.

Stop with the nonsense! To sculpt the perfect six pack, you must inform yourself on the best practices for creating that body.

Pop all the pills you want. Slap on the latest diet pill. Ride the latest diet of the month.

It doesn’t matter. If you are eating more than you’re burning, you will continue to gain body fat.

So, what’s the key to long term permanent fat loss?

Proper nutrition and Increased Activity....

The first step to getting six pack abs is losing body fat. This is the most important factor in developing sexy six-pack abs. Your six pack will never shine through if it’s covered with a layer of fat. Some of the best cardio exercises for losing fat are running, biking, jumping rope, aerobics, and climbing stairs. Start doing any of these activities for 30 minutes at least 4-5 days a week and you will quickly start to see changes in your physique.

To gain a sculpted six pack, you will also need to do some weight lifting. Your weight lifting routine should be done about 3 days per week. With more muscle, your metabolism will increase and begin to burn more calories all day long, even while you’re sleeping.

The next step in sculpting your abs is to properly train them.

Many people make the mistake of overusing and abusing the crunch. If you do nothing but floor crunches, your abs will never reach their maximum potential.

You should do a variety of different ab exercises as well as lower back exercises.

Some of the best abdominal exercises include:
crunches of various types
weighted crunches
twisting crunch
kneeling cable rope crunch
side crunch
reverse crunch
reverse crunch on an incline slant board
hip lift hanging knee-ups
hanging leg raises
Janda Sit Ups
Ab Wheel
Bicycle Crunch

The stability ball is also a great exercise tool for sculpting great abs. It allows you to call on a wide variety of additional muscles. This is due to all of the stabilizer muscles that have to kick in. You also get an extra 15 degrees in range of motion doing crunches on a stability ball. Here are some good ab exercises that can be done using the stability ball:

stability ball crunches
stability ball side crunches
stability ball reverse crunches

By incorporating a variety of exercises, you will hit all of the different abdominal muscles, including the upper abs, lower abs, obliques, transverse abdominis, and lower back. However, keep in mind that there are a few guidelines you should follow when working your abs.

Work your abs about 3 days a week. Like any other muscle in your body, your abdominals grow while they are at rest. Working them everyday doesn’t give them a chance to grow and get strong. Proper rest is very important to develop strong muscles.

Pick different exercises every workout. There are literally hundreds of different ab exercises, allowing you to target all of the different abdominal muscles as well as the supporting muscles of the lower back and transverse abdominis. By adding variety to your ab workouts, your abs will continue to grow after each workout. Do the same ol’ workout every time and you will soon hit a plateau because the body is built to adapt.

Do your workouts in sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Focus on quality rather than quantity.

Make every movement count and take it slow. This is the best way to chisel those abs.

There is no quick fix. There is no secret. But with steady dedication, you will soon be on your way to rock-hard abs.

Kim Roach is the fitness reporter at, where you will find additional fitness articles , news, and nutrition articles .
By Kim Roach
Published: 1/27/2007

Strengthen Your Lower Back The Easy Way

After many years of being an active sportsman, pressure of work and a young family resulted in me suddenly stopping active sport. I didn't need to strengthen my back particularly, because I was still in reasonable shape. For a couple of years, I remained in active employment, so I maintained some semblance of core strength. But I was made redundant, and started working from home. This was great in one way, but bad in another because I took less and less exercise.

I found that my back got weaker. I used to get alignment problems, which for those that have suffered from bad backs, will know how debilitating it can be.

So, back to how to strengthen your back!

In my experience, the first thing you have to do is ensure that your back is straight to start with. If there are underlying problems, no amount of strengthening will do any good. I personally have used Osteopaths for this, although I have discovered a good physio who uses something called the Bowen Technique, which I found to be very effective.

Having ensured that my back was straight and free from problems, I started on a routine of 5 minute a day exercises which have kept my back in trim for the last 18 months. So much so, that I am now able to play basketball and football with my son; something that was impossible 2 years ago. Well, not impossible, but without the lower back strengthening, I would have been out of action for months afterwards!

The routine is simple. I will go through the steps below:-

1. Lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees, and cross your legs. Let your legs fall to one side (still crossed), so that you are lying on your side. Gently send your uppermost arm in the opposite direction to the way you are lying. Do not force it if it won't go. Bring your legs back to centre, cross the other way, and let your legs fall down to the other side, Bring your other arm across, away from your body. You might hear a click, or an 'event'. Do not worry about this. This exercise is brilliant for keeping the back straight.

2. I start with an exercise known only to me as 'superman'. Lie on the floor on your front. Lift one arm and stretch it out above and to the side of you. At the same time, lift the OPPOSITE leg up and straight. So, if you can imagine Superman in flight, right arm up and pointed straight ahead, left leg up and straight behind; both raised away from the floor. Hold this for 10, then do the same with the opposite arm and leg. In other words, now with your left arm and right leg. Hold for 10, then repeat both. You might find that you are unable to lift arms and legs far off the ground at first. Don't worry. Just don't strain yourself. You will get more mobility as your back gets stronger.

3. Turn over on your back. Pull one knee up to your chest and hold. This is just a stretch. Hold for 10, and the do the other leg. Then repeat both.

4. Bring both legs up to your chest, and exhale. Hold for 10. Do this once only

5. With your knees bent, do two sets of sit ups to strengthen your abdominals. I realise that we are strengthening your lower back, but strengthening your abs does help in this respect. Do 10 sit ups, rest, and then repeat. Do not strain yourself.

6. Lie on your back and lift one leg up in the air. Try and keep it straight. Clasp your hands behind your knee and pull the leg gently towards you. We are stretching the hamstrings. Remember, do not strain yourself. Do the other leg and then repeat.

That's it!

It takes 5 minutes, and for me, it has done wonders for my core strength and mobility. And repeated use over a period of time does wonders for your lower back toning.

Incidentally, if you struggle to raise yourself off the floor after lying down, place both hands under the small of your back and push down, You should be able to raise your body up easily and pain free. 5 minutes a day is all it takes to strengthen your lower back with these simple exercises that you can do on the floor at home.
By Charlie Cory
Published: 2/24/2007

Monday, April 6, 2009

Seven Tips To Beat Back Exercise Burnout

Exercise is a powerful weapon against stress, encouraging the production of energizing endorphins, strengthening our immunity system and easing anxiety. Exercise helps with fitness.

Studies also show that exercise is also how we energize our brains. Biologist John Medina’s book, "Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School," points out that being on the move helps us think more productively.

But what happens when exercise burnout strikes? Several studies have found that what leads to exercise burnout includes boredom, too little time, or too many competing obligations that push exercise off the high-priority list.

Here are seven tips to beat back exercise burnout:

1. Vary your routine. Do aerobic exercises one day, and yoga on another day. Skip one day of aerobic exercise for a weightlifting session. Varying your routine staves off boredom, while also exercising different muscle groups. Make a weekly list of varying exercise routines.

2. Vary exercise times. Exercising at the same time of day can lead to boredom. The same exercise routine can also backfire if competing obligations take over that time frame. Be flexible enough to vary exercise times, and even the time spent exercising. You can switch a 30-minute morning routine into a 15-minute morning routine followed by a 15-minute early evening workout.

3. Take an exercise class. Take an exercise class to vary your exercise routine. Gyms and local community centers offer classes. Choose the one that fits your budget, because you don’t want money to become a reason to avoid exercise. Exercise videos also can be a lively way to change your routine

4. Exercise with a friend. Allow yourself to socialize while you exercise with an exercise buddy who will go with you to the gym or accompany you on healthy walks. You can also share new ideas to vary your exercise activities or be creative when conflicting obligations force a change in your exercise schedule.

5. Don’t skip a good night’s sleep. A lack of adequate sleep can play a strong role in exercise burnout, because exhaustion creates stress, fatigue and a lack of focus. A lack of focus can also lead to exercise injuries. Ease into a good night’s sleep by avoiding exercise late at night.

6. Stretch. Stretching exercises before, during or after your exercise routine will keep you limber and less likely to experience minor exercise injuries. If you have to stay late at work, spend five or 10 minutes standing and stretching or doing isometric exercises while seated at your desk.

7. Take an exercise break. Take a vacation from exercise to avoid exercise burnout. Take a day or two off, and call it an exercise vacation. You’ll return to your routine stress-free, rested and re-focused, and if you return to your regular regime, your fitness won’t suffer.
By Ruth Klein
Published: 7/9/2008

Lower Back Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

Lower back exercises can reduce risk of lower back pain and injury. Lower back pain hits many people both old and young. The back is one of the most overused and under strengthened parts of our body. Our back is used for simple things like lifting, twisting, walking and even sitting. This overuse of the back can eventually cause lower back pain. Additionally, without proper strengthening and stretching of the back muscles, you are at a higher risk of lower back injury.

Strengthening the core muscles, which include the lower back, abdominal and hip flexors, can help reduce risk of lower back injury and alleviate lower back pain. By strengthening the core muscles you are helping to improve your posture and support and stabilize the spine.

Core Strengthening Exercises

If you currently have a back injury, you should consult with your doctor before attempting any exercise routine. However, if you do not have a back injury and want to help reduce risk of injury and pain, then try some of these lower back strengthening exercises.

Lower Back Exercise #1 Quadruped Lift

This exercise really focuses on the lower back.

Start in a doggy position with both hands and knees on the ground.
Begin this exercise by reaching your right arm straight out in front of you.
At the same time lift the left leg straight out behind your.
Repeat this several times and switch sides.

You can also perform this exercise by alternating sides each time.

Lower Back Exercise #2 The Bridge

This exercise works several core muscles including the lower back.

Start by lying down on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle.
Place your lower back and feet flat to the floor.
Lift your rear end off the floor keeping shoulders on the ground. As you lift contract and tighten your abs and buttocks.
Hold for a count of 5 then slowly return to starting position.
Repeat this move several times.

This core strengthening exercise is great for the lower back, glutes and abdominal muscles.

Lower Back Exercise #3 Superman

This back strengthening exercise can be done with a boso ball or by simply lying on an exercise mat.

Start by lying on your stomach either on the ball or on an exercise mat.
Place your arms straight out in front of you with your palms facing each other.
Lift your head off the ground.
To start this exercise, lift your right arm and at the same time lift your left leg.
In a butterfly movement, alternate lifting your left arm and right leg, then the right arm and left leg.
Repeat this movement several times.

Abdominal Exercises to Strengthen Core

In addition to strengthening the lower back to reduce back pain and injury, you want to strengthen the opposing muscles. This would be your abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles consist of the rectus abdominis, also known as your six pack, the transverse abdominal muscle and the oblique muscles. The best abdominal exercise to work all these muscles is the bicycle crunch. If fact, this exercise was rated number one in a study of 13 common abdominal exercises.

Other effective abdominal exercises to help strengthen your core include the captain’s chair, exercise ball crunch, vertical leg crunch and the reverse crunch. Although the traditional crunch is effective at strengthening your six pack muscles, it actually came in third to last in this study. Many other ab exercises were found to be more effective on your abdominal muscles.

Lower Back Stretches

Stretching is a key component to keeping your muscles toned and healthy. So after a good strength training workout you should spend time stretching the muscles. Lower back stretches help keep your core healthy and minimizes risk of back pain and injury. Stretching your back keeps the muscles stretched and loose which can alleviate lower back pain.

With any exercise, the key is to perform the exercise correctly in order to gain maximum benefit from your workout routine. Stretching is no different and is often even more critical to ensure you are doing it correctly. Stretching not only helps lengthen and tone our muscles but gives us increased flexibility, better range of motion, relieves stress and improves our circulation and posture.

So keep your back healthy with lower back exercises, abdominal exercises and lower back stretches.

Check out these free fitness videos on how to do lower back strengthening and stretching exercises, abdominal exercises and strengthening exercises for the entire body.

By Julie Barros
Published: 1/29/2009