Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Knots in Your Back - How Can You Get Rid of Back Spasms Between Your Spine and Shoulder Blade?

What exactly is that "knot" in your back and why did you get it? More importantly, how can you get rid of that knot?

That knot is a muscle or part of a muscle which is in spasm, or contraction. It probably developed because the muscle was stretched too much, too long, and it didn't like it. In a protective and natural response, your muscle kind of bunched up and became "tight." The correct word is actually "taut." There is a big difference between tight and taut.

So your knot is a muscle spasm. What can you do to "knot" have them anymore?

A woman told me she had a large, hard knot on her back, like a baseball. A massage therapist who tried to help her told her it was the worst she had ever seen. The therapist had no luck getting rid of the knot. Her doctor injected medicine to release the spasm--the knot--but that didn't help, either.

The reason the deep massage and other treatments didn't help was because they hadn't addressed the cause of her pain. The spasm was not the problem. Something else was causing the knot. Many doctors and therapists just don't understand how muscles work to cause pain, and so it's not surprising that they weren't successful.

Here is how your body works: All of your muscles attach to at least two bones. This allows you to move your body. If your muscles are tight on one side of your shoulder blade, they pull your shoulder blade slightly out of its' correct position. Then your shoulder blade pulls the muscles that attach to the opposite side of your shoulder blade. Those muscles don't like being pulled on and become "taut" and they create a spasm, or knot.

This spasm or knot is a natural reaction from muscles when they are stretched for a long period of time. This is how your body keeps the overstretched muscles from tearing or being injured.

So, the muscles that are short and pulling on your shoulder blade cause your knot but the short muscles don't usually complain. Instead their counterparts (opposite muscles) do complain. Very loudly. They let you know they are very unhappy!

If someone tried to release your knots with massage, pressure or medication, and if that muscle cannot get or stay relaxed, it is because the muscles and bones that originally caused the spasm are still pulling! It is a natural law that taut muscles cannot relax until the pulling muscles are relaxed.

After the pulling muscles have been released, then it's okay to massage the knots to help release them. Your taut muscles can relax then. Then the knots can be released with pressure therapy.

A very important thing to prevent future knots is to get a strong back. A strong back will keep your muscles from being overstretched and taut. It also benefits your whole body.

And now I'd like to invite you to discover easy, simple ways to get a strong back and pain-free posture at Join me, Kathryn Merrow, The Pain Relief Coach, on your journey to a pain-free life. "Because You Deserve to Feel Better!"

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Swimming - Is it Good Or Bad For Back Pain?

When there are no injuries, no severe spinal deformities, or advanced degenerative processes in the spine, when the only problem causing back pain is weak muscles and prolonged and/or repeated bad posture - it is now a known fact that this is the case for 85 to 90% of back pain sufferers -, swimming regularly is an excellent choice of physical activity.

Swimming strengthens the back, the entire back, and it does that symmetrically. In fact, almost every muscle in your body is working when you are swimming. Additionally, this sport constitutes an excellent cardio-vascular form of exercise while being kind to your joints.

Which swimming style is the most recommended?

To help back pain, the two most recommended swimming styles are the front crawl and the backstroke. Breaststroke is not recommended as it can lead to more back pain if performed incorrectly, especially if you swim with your head constantly out of the water. This tends to put a great deal of pressure on the neck and it hollows the back.

If you have doubts about performing the crawl or the backstroke correctly, take one or two lessons to perfect your style in the beginning. There is no shame in wanting to do things right. You will feel safer about returning to physical activity and this is crucial. Most back sufferers fear hurting themselves and find it difficult to believe that their back is actually an extremely strong and sturdy structure, hence their reluctance to return to sport. The proven reality shows that, in fact, quite the opposite is true: a gradual return to a physical activity which strengthens the back muscles will in many cases of non-specific back pain (caused by weak muscles and bad posture only) eradicate completely and for good the pain.

Have you been suffering from back pain for years? Have you seen all the doctors and they can find nothing structurally wrong with your back? Then chances are you fall into the 85 to 90% of back pain cases which are simply caused by weak muscles and repeated bad posture. The only way to correct this is to start practicing a sport - or to do exercises - which strengthen the back muscles, all of them from top to bottom. Swimming is one of those sports. Don't hesitate to ask your local physical therapist for further advice.

Florence Cohen is a certified Medical Reflexologist from the International Institute of Reflexology who specializes in back pain. For more tips or facts about relieving or avoiding back pain you are welcome to visit . This is a very user-friendly informative website for back sufferers where you will find clear and simple to read information about the causes of back pain as well as the evidence-based science behind reflexology. All the resources are put at the visitors' disposal to quickly find a good reflexologist in their area (worldwide).

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Back and Shoulder Pain - Secrets That Actually Work

This year, a well-loved friend got me two gift certificates for Christmas - each for a one-hour massage at a local women's spa and salon. Can you imagine anything better than that? I can't, and a bunch of other people probably cannot, either, since back/shoulder pain is extremely common and can be annoying at best and debilitating at worst.

There are a variety of ways to go about treating back, shoulder pain, and there are a variety of reasons that people suffer from it. Causes may include muscle strain from overexertion, improper lifting or bending, irregularities of the spine, injury, stress, fibromyalgia, working at a computer for long periods of time without a break, sleeping on a mattress that should be replaced, and any number of other things.

Common treatments include over-the-counter and/or prescription medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, and muscle relaxants. Sometimes there is a tendency for back/shoulder pain to run in families, and lots of folks complain that such aches are chronic. Visits to the family doctor, a chiropractor, and therapeutic massage clinics are other common ways of trying to relieve the annoying pain and soreness that manifests in the back or shoulders, as are cold compresses, ice, heat, movement exercises, and bed rest.

Most doctors will want to ascertain a reason for your pain, whether chronic or acute, and typically they will order X-rays to look for bone abnormalities or tumuors that may be causing the grief. Other common tests may include CT scans or MRI's to check for nerve-related concerns, or electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) tests to look for irregularities when numbness or tingling is also part of the assessment.

If you suffer from pain in the neck, back, or shoulder, it would be wise to seek the advice of a medical professional to help figure out the reason for your discomfort and determine the best course of treatment for your particular situation.

Ask a Doctor Now! Back Shoulder Pain is the place to visit.

Get relief for your pain now! Click Here

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A Mattress For Back Pain and Your Sleep Positions

If you have ever experienced back pain you know how awful and debilitating it can be. You also know how difficult it can be to treat back pain effectively long-term.

What back pain sufferers need to understand is the only way to cure back pain is to be knowledgeable of the cause or causes of the pain. While there are many causes of back pain, one that I want to address, because it is common and may be affecting you, is back pain caused by having the wrong sleeping position and/or mattress.

As you sleep your muscles, ligaments and other tissues in your back are given a chance to rest. Therefore, to maintain a healthy spine your quality of sleep is of utmost importance.

Even if your back problems were caused by something else, such as an accident or injury, the position in which you sleep and the type of mattress you sleep on have a lot to do with your recovery. You will always have a hard time alleviating your back pain long-term if the way you sleep is harming your spine.

So remember, "your mattress is an important aspect in having back comfort, but beyond that, the way you sleep (position) is much more vital to the health of your spine."

So How Should I Sleep?

The best sleeping position is to lie on your mattress, flat on your back. It can also help to place a small pillow under your knees for extra back support. Some people find this comfortable, others not so much, so experiment and see what you like.

The reasoning behind lying flat on your back is that this position takes the pressure off of your back. The only difficult thing about sleeping in this position is actually sleeping in this position. Not many people can do it.

Most people are used to sleeping on their side or on their stomach so even if they fell asleep this way they would probably turn into their usual position once they fell asleep. Strategically using your pillows is the key to solving this problem.

People who sleep on their side should try placing a firm pillow between their legs to relieve pressure on their hips and spine. People who like to sleep on their stomach should place a medium soft, or flat pillow under their belly and hips to avoid pressure on their lower back.

If your back pain occurs in your neck or at the top of your spine supporting your neck with small pillows is very effective.

What About The Mattress Part of It?

Now that you realize how you sleep is the most important the next thing that can help alleviate your pain is having the right mattress. If your mattress has a large sag in the middle you should consider buying a new one.

When buying the mattress there isn't a specific type that is great for everybody so buy one you can adjust or make sure you are comfortable on the one that you decide to use. The only thing that is important when you buy a mattress for back pain is that the mattress is flat provides your spine sufficient support.

As you can see, one of the main causes of back pain and one of the common reasons people have a hard time getting rid of the pain in their back is because of the position in which they sleep and the type of mattress they sleep on.

Try to sleep on your back if you can, but if you can't use the above suggestions to make sure that you can have a comfortable nights sleep without having to wake up with an ache in your back.

Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying to find unbiased health information let Brue take you by the hand and give you the best natural health information and resources on the web. Visit to learn more.

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The Things You Should Know About Sacroiliac Joint Inflammation

Have you been suffering from piercing pains in your lower back lately? Do you have trouble turning around, bending down, or rolling over in your sleep? If this is the case, you might have a sacroiliac joint inflammation - not exactly when you are waiting for right before the holiday season.

The first thing you want to know about this problem is what the sacroiliac joints actually are. The sacroiliac joints are two 'L-shaped' joints that are located at the bottom of the back, one on either side of the spine. They lie between the wedge-shaped bone at the bottom of your spine (known as the sacrum) and the pelvic ilium, and are held in place by various muscles and ligaments. When you move your lower body, the sacroiliac joints get twisted and stretched along the pelvic girdle, so they help facilitate pelvic movement.

When either of these joints gets inflamed, it can create a sharp pain in the lower back, upper thighs, and sometimes the buttocks. This is either caused by the fact that the joints get stuck, or that one half the pelvis continually glides backwards and forwards, irritating and inflaming the iliolumbar ligament.

Mild inflammations of the sacroiliac joints and the surrounding regions are not uncommon, but the more severe forms of sacroiliitis tend to crop up with old age. The most significant causes of sacroiliitis include pregnancy (because the pelvis is forced to expand during labour); trauma or sudden impact injury to the spine or pelvis; and degenerative arthritis, or osteoarthritis of the spine (which deteriorates the sacroiliac joints). But do not fret: it is possible to treat sacroiliitis, just as long as you visit your osteopath and keep an eye out for any early symptoms of the disease.

The most noticeable symptoms of sacroiliac joint inflammation include: - Restricted hip movement (having difficulty turning around or rolling over in bed) - Stiffness in the lower back after long periods of immobility (such after long car journeys) or when waking up in the morning - Difficulty bending down - Pain during sexual intercourse - Sharp pain the thighs when swinging your legs out of bed or out of the car

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important that you visit someone who understands the sacroiliac joint well, such as an osteopath. In the meantime, you can try to reduce the pain by doing the following: - When sitting or lying down, place a pillow in between your knees to take some of the pressure of the pelvis - Wrap a damp tea towel around an icepack and place it on the inflamed area for 10-minute intervals for a half hour. You can do this up to three times a day. - At night, sleep on your side instead of your back

Sacroiliac joint inflammation can be a right pain in the back. Osteopaths can help you cope with this pain effectively through a combination of anti-inflammatory medication treatments and physical therapy. So as long as you are patient with yourself and visit an osteopath regularly, there is no reason why you cannot have an enjoyable holiday season.

Andrew Mitchell, editor of Osteopath Network, writes articles about cranial osteopathy, back pain, neck pain and soft tissue injuries. If you are looking for a Milton Keynes osteopath or for an osteopath in the UK please visit his website.

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Managing Lower Back Pain on the Right Side

Do you have lower back pain on the right side? If so, it may be of some help to go to your doctor and make sure that you know what is causing it. In some cases, your doctor will tell you that the problem is muscular in nature. Rather than take all kinds of pain killers, you may want to use exercise routines as remedy instead. A good exercise guide will provide you with all the information you need to strengthen each muscle in your back, abdomen, upper legs, and chest.

In some cases, you may feel that your current fitness routine is sufficient. Unfortunately, sit-ups and other exercises will not target all the muscles in the core region. At the same time, there is no way to target all of the muscles in this region on a daily basis. Therefore, you need a routine that will provide a solid basis for targeting each muscle in turn. As your body becomes leaner and fitter, you will notice a natural reduction in your lower back pain, right side. Even if you have been in an accident, or do not work out on a regular basis, core muscle building can help you feel better.

Once muscle pain sets in from improper exercise routines, you may want to stop working out, or even use harmful painkillers. Today, you have a much better option. Instead of continuing to work against what your body is trying to tell you, it is much better to do exercises that will help strengthen weak or under-targeted muscles. Aside from helping you feel better, you will also see very rapid development of your muscles. Even though you may not be planning to become a body builder, you will appreciate being able to replace fat with extra muscle and a powerful build.

Pat Faggins writes for popular blog HealthConditionHelp.Com. He writes informative content on a wide range of health problems, including lower left side back pain and much more. Get free tips when you visit the site today!

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

3 Exercises That Fight Lower Back Pain

If you aren't incorporating lower back strengthening exercises into your fitness routine, then you may never live without back pain.

If you suffer from lower back pain that you can't stand, and you've found this article, then you are among many who have been searching for a form of lasting relief.

There is no pill that's going to make it all go away.

The only true way to alleviate your discomfort is to engage in consistent and progressive exercise.

I'm including some of my favorites just below - exercises that have worked for my clients and may work for you as well.

They are easy enough to add to your fitness routine, whether you prefer working out in a gym or at home.

Cable Pull-down Exercise

Here you'll want to secure a fitness band at any level higher than your shoulders.
Assume a strong position with your feet flat and toes pointing ahead.
Pull your hands toward the outside of your chest and squeeze those shoulder blades together.
Slowly return to the start.

Cable Reverse Fly

This exercise will help to strengthen the muscles of your middle and upper back.
Assume a strong stance again.
Grab each cable with your arms crossed and exhale as you uncross your arms, finishing in the shape of the letter T.

Lower Back Extension

The floor-based lower back extension really helps to isolate the lower back muscles.
Lie flat and exhale as you lift your upper body. Inhale during your return to the ground.

By incorporating these back strengthening exercises into your current workout routines, you will be combating the negative effects of sitting all day. You'll be on the road to a more toned body, but more importantly, you'll be that much closer to living without the constant and painful reminders of your lower back pain.

David Bohmiller is the owner of My Personal Trainer School LLC headquartered in Manhattan Beach, CA. He is routinely sought after for his expertise in designing and implementing weight loss programs for men and women and currently directs a group of Manhattan Beach Fitness Trainers.

Learn more about healthy eating, personal training, weight loss and more at Lower Back Pain on My Personal Trainer School.

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Back Rib Pain

Back pain will normally happen due to many reasons. These could be as a reason of pregnancy, old age, overworking or sudden injury or poor standing or sitting positions. These pains will normally be accompanied by chest pains. In this case, this could be read as back Rib Pain. The symptom to this pain is normally pain as one sneezes. Pain in the ribs is felt below the chest line which is also experienced with difficulty in breathing.

Causes of back rib pain are mainly poor sitting positions while working for long hours without a change in the daily routine. This is because so much pressure is exerted on the vertebrae around the ribs which will bring about pain in the ribs on the back. This could be treated in various ways. One way is through massages, hot and cold appliances and regular exercise.

A patient suffering from this condition should not be given too many drugs for temporal relief from pain. Pain killers have some side effects on the normal functioning of the human body. The best way to go about it is to first seek medical attention before taking any type of drugs.

A doctor's test will help determine the cause of pain on the back, which will help in administering the type of treatment to be given. The magnitude of the pain will be determined after taking tests on the breathing system of the patient. A study of the patient's working habits and postures while sitting or standing will be helpful in prescribing the type of medication to be given to a patient suffering from back rib pain.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Back Pain. For More Information on Back Rib Pain, Visit His Site at BACK RIB PAIN

Top 5 Absolute Worst Exercises For Lower Back Pain

OK so we've all been lied to. Who knew all the stuff they put in bodybuilding magazines would become imprinted in our brains as the right stuff to do? Surely it has to be true and expert information if it was in such a prestigious magazine. Right? Somewhere along the way we we brainwashed into the bodybuilding cult by wishing to look massive instead of actually being strong.

The most effective ways of increasing strength and overall health are significantly different then the old school bodybuilding methods that Schwarzenegger made famous. There's now scientific research that clearly shows how increasing your actual strength is far more superior in overall health and real world performance than just increasing your muscle size.

But hey, I was there too. I've done the bodybuilding thing for past 7 years ever since I first started working out. And it wasn't because I didn't know any better! It was because I was willing to trade performance for appearance. As a result of this, I've had several serious back injuries over the years that have kept me from enjoying life.

I've had numerous golf playing clients in lower back pain and have actually tried doing these types of bodybuilding training routines! Exercise and flexibility are critical for golfers, but not the traditional bodybuilding stuff. Most golf players aren't getting any younger and these workouts would just regress their health and strength. But it's not really their fault, a lot of golf players have low back pain but most don't know how to get out of it, so they resort to methods they see in magazines.

Here are my list of the Top 5 ABSOLUTE WORST Exercises for Lower Back Pain...

1) Back Loaded Exercises: Back loaded squats and lunges are really hard on the lower back. The spine compresses when you place a barbell on top of it. When doing the 10-12 rep stuff bodybuilding magazines recommend, you're often pushing yourself to do more reps then necessary. When you do this your form is more likely to suffer and injuries start flowing. Doing this is what caused the majority of my back injuries.

2) Situps: Situps are another horrible exercise for those in low back pain. Situps are done with intentions to strength the abdominal muscles but it actuality they are working more of the hip flexors. The hip flexors actually are attached to the vertebrae of the lower back and are one of the major causes of back pain. Also when performed with the hands behind the head, you're more likely to pull on your neck (cervical spine) and add additional unncessary back stress.

3) Crunches & Leg Raises: Crunches are intended to be done to work the "six pack" muscles of the abdominals. Most people unfortunately way overdo it with crunches and as a result create a significant imbalance in the abdominals causing a flexion-chain imbalance. This will give you the "slumped" look with your hips moving forward and your ribcage moving inward. The is BAD considering the body always wants to be in balance. Leg Raises are also bad because they tend to involve more of the hip flexors and can put your lower back in a compromising position.

4) Supermans: This is a very traditional exercise to do if you're in low back pain. Hell, there was a time when even I would recommend it to my clients who had lower back pain and a weak core. The problem with it is that it creates an extreme amount of compression of the spine and this amount of force can easily damage ligaments, joint surfaces and even disc ruptures. For a great core exercise try doing a Hover Plank instead.

5) Leg Press: When done correctly and with sufficient weight, the leg press can be a very effective exercise. But most gym goers throw on a ton of weight, aren't very flexible and try to feed their ego by pushing some big weight. When doing this they are very likely to lift their lower back off the pad that is keeping the integrity of the spine. When this happens with all that weight on the leg press, injuries will happen. Instead of going heavy, go light and do one-legged presses.

These are the exercises that I've found to cause the most unnecessary stress to the lower back. I'm not saying you have to completely drop them from your workouts, but from now on be smart with your training. Especially if you are in pain and over the age of 30. If you are already in lower back pain then I would definitely not recommend doing any of the following exercises...

Josh Schlottman, CSCS, is an ACE certified Personal Trainer and he graduated from Sacramento State University with a degree in Nutrition. He also is a NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning coach. He is the Fitness Director at HealthQuest Fitness Center in Napa, CA where he leads an amazing team of personal trainers who specialize in helping people achieve their goals in fitness and life. You can reach him at

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Longevity and Injury Prevention - Relieve Lower Back Pain in Under 10 Minutes

I remember a long while back, in one of my first jobs as a teen. I worked for a large guitar shop and I was the janitor. I would come in and clean windows and mop a large portion of this store each time I came in. Twisting and walking. I wasn't that well conditioned in my fitness (but I was getting conditioned with this job). One day my back was just killing me. I strained it probably from overwork.

Have you noticed how frustrating it feels to get back soreness from a strain or just bad form while moving for long periods?

Obviously, back pain is widely varied so if you have serious symptoms, you should seek the help of a qualified physician.

Here's a couple of moves to help strengthen and relieve the back:

Let's talk about soothing it first. You'll need a foam roller. There around12-20 dollars at a sporting good store. Get a 6-by-36-inch one if you can.

- Relax The Back. Find a carpeted area or lay down a mat. Now, go ahead and lie face up. The foam roller should be horizontally under the upper back but below the shoulder blades. With your feet flat, knees bent and hands behind head. Keep the tummy tight and press into feet, lifting the hips just slightly. You'll slowly roll from the upper to mid back area. Find the sweet spot, or your tender spot. Hold it for a second or two and release. Go repeat this 3 to 4 times.

- Sky Diving Anyone? This move is called "sky divers" The next move is a strengthener. This one will work the stability of the core. Go ahead and lie prone or on your belly on a soft surface like a yoga mat or large towel. While lying there, simultaneously raise your straight leg and opposite arm 6 to 8 inches from the deck. Be sure to contract your abs to prevent any arching or twisting of the pack. Hold this for 3 to 4 seconds. Repeat 10 times on each side. Do this 3 times.

Adriel Yapana is a Body Transformation Expert, Home Business Trainer, Author, Speaker and Consultant. He loves helping others achieve their best in life.

To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies and videos, Please visit his website at

Friday, February 20, 2009

Back Stretching Exercises - Simple Back Twist Exercise For Lower Back Pain Relief

One of my favorite back stretching exercises I use, the Back Twist will work your lower back, neck, upper back, waist and hips.

It works in a side twisting action, which is rhythmic and gentle, and limbers the muscles, aligns the vertebrae, boosts the blood circulation and loosens the hips.

But, if you think you might have problems with your neck or back, you should talk with a health professional before trying it.

Back Twist Exercise

1. Keep your feet parallel and your back straight, with the shoulders as apart from each other as possible.

Bend your knees a little.

Let your weight on the legs.

Keep your hands by your sides, hanging loosely.

Look in front of you.

2. Twist your head and upper body (gently) to your RIGHT, until your look is directly behind you.

Don't do anything special with your hands and arms, just allow them to move on their own, based on the turning movement of the upper body.Your feet and legs should be kept towards your front all this time, since only the arms and body move.

To make it easier to be straight while doing this exercise, without swaying forwards or backwards, just imagine that your body has a pole in the middle of it, running from the ground, through your spine and up to the top of the head. And, your body twists around the pole in this exercise.

3. Turn back to the front slowly, then keep going and tun to the LEFT, in the same way, until you're looking behind you, just like you did before. Keep doing this, moving from one side to the other.

Don't forget that the arms should move naturally, without you interfering in any way. Do the exercise in a continuous movement, without pausing. Build up the torque and speed from the upper body and hips GRADUALLY. Doing this will make the hands to slap your sides and the arms to swing wider.

Start from doing 10-15 twists for each side, and in time get to 30-40 for each side. It shouldn't take you more than a few minutes.

Don't stop suddenly when you're finished with the exercise. Instead, slow down gradually, then return to the position where you started (step 1), leaving your arms to swing until they return to your sides naturally. Take a few deep and slow breaths.

Check out more back stretching exercises that are simple for anyone to do at home at my natural back pain relief site.

Back Pains That Are Kidney Related

One of the physical body pains that we experience that can be quite distressing and which can almost bring your life to a state of abrupt helplessness are the back pains related to the kidney. They are a common aging symptom and must be given proper attention if you are to live longer. The pain develops from the spine or from the bones and muscles.

If the back pains are kidney related, you will notice some softness in the sides of the spine around which the kidneys are located. If for example you have been injured around the kidney area, it will result to these kind of back pains and it can last for many days.

Maybe if you are suffering from back pains around the kidney and yet you have not had an injury in the recent past, it is time you consulted your doctor because it could be likely that you have some kidney infections. While some people will experience minor pains others will be troubled with constant and chronic ones. The tests that the doctor may carry out may include urine dipstick test which will test the level of proteins and blood in the urine. Their presence confirms infection.

Urine culture is a mid stream urine test done to test the existence of bugs in urine. Scan, X-ray, blood tests and blood pressure are other confirmatory tests that will help see whether you pains are kidney related. the treatment that will be administered on you will depend on the extent of the pains and the cause of the pains. the duration of pain will also depend on the above factors.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Back Pain. For More Information on Back Pain Kidney, Visit His Site at BACK PAIN KIDNEY. You Can Also Add Your Views About Back Pain Kidney On My Blog Here BACK PAIN KIDNEY.

Upper Back Pain of the Lungs

Back pains are no joke. When these pains occur in the upper back, then it may be an indication of serious problems in the respiratory system, especially the lungs. Lungs are to be found in the rib cage next to the heart. Any anomaly in the lungs will therefore cause pain to the chest as well as to the lungs.

Upper back pain in the lungs may be brought about by diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis, which causes inflammation in the lungs. People suffering from lung cancer and chronic coughs also experience upper back pain. Sudden injuries from accidents may also cause upper back pain. One stands a higher chance of experiencing back pain if there is history of back pains in the family.

Patients experiencing this pain should enlist the services of a qualified doctor who will make a correct diagnosis after taking X rays and MRI scan. Thus, the doctor is able to prescribe medication that not only relieves the pain but also cures the disease causing the pain. Chronic upper back pain in the lungs may be remedied using massage, hot water and ice therapy and also using the physical and chiropractic theories. In order to avoid upper back pain, one should avoid smoking. Also, one should engage in regular exercises.

Treatment of upper back pain in the lungs usually takes a long time. Relying only on medication is not advisable because it only provides short term relief. Sometimes, even the doctors may fail to provide a permanent solution. In this case, one is advised to exercise regularly, avoid strenuous tasks, take medication when required and eat a balanced diet to stay in good health.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Back Pain. For More Information on Upper Back Pain Lungs, Visit His Site at UPPER BACK PAIN LUNGS

You Can Also Add Your Views About Upper Back Pain Lungs On My Blog Here UPPER BACK PAIN LUNGS

Lower Back Ache - 2 Simple Cures

Lower back ache, you may have heard by now, is the second most common reason to see your doctor. There is a problem with this statistic...

It means that there are literally millions of people that do not know how to help them self. Frightening to think only a few people know how to ease their lower back ache and the simple ways to stop it returning. Sure you still need to see your doctor if you have had a serious fall or injury - but in over 97% of all lower back pain cases, specific injuries were not the cause.

Most lower backache is from doing so called "normal" daily activity. You may have been doing house-hold chores, doing gardening, shifting furniture or even making your bed. Others may have noticed that each day their back become more and more stiff and sore.

It is only ever a few people that have significant falls or injuries that started their back ache. For those - see your doctor to make sure you do not have anything serious to be concerned about. For the rest of you ...

There are many simple and quick ways you can use to help ease your lower back pain. Lower back pain is caused by 4 main issues - tight muscles, weak muscles, poor joint movement and pelvic imbalance. You need to correct these or your lower backache will return again ... and often worse as you age.

There are two exercises that help to strengthen the main muscular causes. Do these and your back ache will ease - if not then you need to use other techniques to address either the joints or pelvis that is obviously the bigger cause.

But onto what to do now...

Firstly you need to build strength in your lower abdominal muscles. This is achieved by doing lower abdominal exercise, however you may need to stimulate their nerve and blood supply first to maintain their strength over longer periods of time.

To exercise the muscle, lie on your back with your knees bent. You then rock your pelvis- this means pulling your pubic bone towards your belly button, by flattening your lower back against the floor. Hold this position for 6 seconds and then relax and take a deep breath in and out. Repeat this 3 times, 3 times each day.

If the nerve and blood supply to the muscle is strong, then this is enough exercise to gain strength in the muscle within a few days. Your lower back pain can ease very quickly.

The second exercise is to strengthen your lower back muscles. Again stimulate the nerve and blood supply and then lie on the floor face down. Raise your shoulders off the ground as far as you can comfortably, hold there for 6 seconds and then relax an take a deep breath in and out. Like with the lower abdominals, do this 3 times, 3 times each day to gain the strength you need to improve your lower back pain.

Although back ache is caused by the 4 main factors (tight muscles, weak muscles, joint movement, & pelvic balance), these exercises can help top ease you lower back pain. Even if they ease your lower back ache quickly you should still address the 4 main factors if you want long term permanent relief from your lower back ache.

Online back pain adviser Dr Graeme Teague has helped more than 4,000 people worldwide to banish their back pain easily, safely and permanently without expensive therapy, medication, equipment or time-consuming exercises. Do you really want to heal yours? If you answered yes, visit Back Pain Relief now.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back Problems - The One Secret They Never Tell You

Back problems, you here it all the time, that so many adult shave back pain, that most become chronic and blah blah blah...

You don't really care do you, because if you are reading an article on back pain, you probably already have it. You are not one of 80%, you have 100% back problems now. So if you have back pain right now, why is there not a simple solution?

Back pain relief is a constant search for people like your self. You want answers to your biggest questions, but most of all you want help.

Can you actually imagine waking up in the morning and feeling 100% fantastic. No more back pain, no more stiffness, able to do anything you wish. Yet you still wake with those same old back problems that have haunted you possibly for years.

On the internet you will see many sits offering assistance. They teach you ways to stretch your tight muscles. There are others that show you exercises to gain strength. The problem is your back pain may ease but it either returns again or never completely disappears in the first instance.

The reason is simple, there is a couple of secrets that few ever tell you about back pain relief.

Back pain is caused by 4 main factors. You have tight muscles that stretches deal with nicely. Although even with stretches, knowing what to stretch is important, knowing how and when to stretch is essential.

There are muscles that are weak, which you need to strengthen. Not just with exercises, you also need to improve their nerve and blood supply. Otherwise your muscles will not gain the "functional" strength they need to repel your back pain.

The other 2 factors are joint movement and pelvic balance. The one secret, that you never seem to be told is...

Adjusting your joints and balancing your pelvis. The one area that you will find very little written about. After all surely adjusting a joint requires you to see a practitioner, doesn't it?

In fact there are self adjustive techniques you can use to get joints moving better. But this only goes so far. You still need to learn ways to rebalance your pelvis, or joints will also return to their state of tension.

Back problems can be simply eased. You need to realize that back pain relief must target the 4 main factors that cause your back problems. Otherwise your back pain will either remain or return again very soon.

If you are looking for help, no matter where you look. Make sure you use back pain relief regimes that cover all the issues causing your back problems. You can discover the real value of being free of back pain.

Online back pain adviser Dr Graeme Teague has helped more than 4,000 people worldwide to banish their back pain easily, safely and permanently without expensive therapy, medication, equipment or time-consuming exercises. Do you really want to heal yours? If you answered yes, visit Back Pain Relief now.

Back Pain on the Lower Right Side

The back, being the major support system of the rest of the body, should always be free from pain if possible because if the back suffers the whole body suffers as well. The pain can be so severe that you cannot sit, stand or sleep properly. And, if you thought that these pains are only experienced by the aged or manual laborers, its time you thought again. Back discomforts due to pain are common to the old and the young alike.

Back pain in the lower right side are especially not to be taken for granted, the reason being that they could be an indication of an injury that you may not even be aware of. However, the most common cause of this kind of pain is poor posture, which causes a strain on the spine and it becomes a challenge to twist, turn, bend or move as usual.

There are other common causes of back pain in the lower right side but they differ with individuals and therefore it is important to have the details right first before administering any kind of treatment. If they are very serious, then you will most definitely require the services or your orthopedic doctor. He will recommend what is best for you, either exercises, medicine to deal with the pain or surgery.

if diagnosis is done and you get to know that the back pain in the lower right side is as a result of excessive weight, it will be good if you started doing exercises that will help shed off some weight. Also observe a diet that is not fattening. Another cause could be kidney infection. if so, get the proper treatment and you will have dealt with the pain.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Back Pain. For More Information on Back Pain Lower Right side, Visit His Site at BACK PAIN LOWER RIGHT SIDE. You Can Also Add Your Views About Back Pain Lower Right side On My Blog Here BACK PAIN LOWER RIGHT SIDE.

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Right Side Back Pain

Right side back pain is a common problem. About four fifth of adult people under go this pain regardless of the gender. Descriptions differ from lower back pain to right side back pain but it's all the same. Its caused by poor standing, sitting and sleeping posture, muscle imbalance and injury, excessive weight and poor methods of lifting weights.

One should seek medical attention to correct this problem. The doctor should understand the patient's routine and daily activities in order to know the root cause of the problem. This determines the type of treatment to be offered. Other remedies are observing good posture, using the right methods to control body weight, bending the knees and not the waist when lifting objects, exercises to achieve muscle balance and attending any injury immediately to prevent further damage.

However right side back pain is different from kidney back pain. To know the difference, doctors carry out tests like urine dipstick, urine culture or scan and x ray of the bladder. Kidney infection and kidney stones are the major causes of kidney back pain. Severe back pains may lead to kidney problem. Treatment should be immediate because the condition is fatal.

Treatment depends on individuals routine and habits. It takes six weeks or more depending on intensity of pain. The patient should be positive minded, follow prescriptions keenly, do the right exercises and routines. Regular body check ups and proper exercises, eating healthy, using high density mattresses and right body massage will prevent the body from such pains. Remember that prevention is always better than cure.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Back Pain. For More Information on Right Side Back Pain, Visit His Site at RIGHT SIDE BACK PAIN

You Can Also Add Your Views About Right Side Back Pain On My Blog Here RIGHT SIDE BACK PAIN

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Lower Right Side Back Pain

If you think your back is an insignificant part of your body,then you need to think again. The Lumbar area (lower back), performs major functions in the body like holding our body weight when standing, bending and excretion of waste. It also supports the spinal chord and the nervous system. Therefore, the lower back is a pivot to the whole body and should be taken care of.

Lower right side back pains are directly intertwined with our day to day activities. It may be caused by adopting a poor posture, imbalance of muscles, obesity, heavy physical work, poor diet, lack of exercise and injury. Kidney infections may also cause lower right side back pain.

It affects people of all genres regardless of factors like age, gender, race and social class. However, those who face the problem at a tender age stand a higher chance of the problem recurring later in life. Older people, especially those suffering from Osteoporosis suffer from this condition because their bones are weak and fracture easily. People experiencing lower right side back pain should consult a specialist. The specialist should identify the position of the pain, then gather information about the patient's background, career, hobbies, eating habits and sleeping conditions.

This assists the doctor in deciding whether to conduct further tests or prescribe medication. Exercise is the master healer of back pains and one should abide to the routine prescribed by the doctor. Nevertheless, when the pain is persistent, the doctor opts for a higher dosage of drugs or further tests. However, bed rest is not a remedy for back pains.

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Back Pain. For More Information on Lower Right Side Back Pain, Visit His Site at LOWER RIGHT SIDE BACK PAIN. You Can Also Add Your Views About Lower Right Side Back Pain On My Blog Here LOWER RIGHT SIDE BACK PAIN.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pain Between Your Shoulder Blades - What Causes Knots in Your Upper Back?

People write to me wondering if I can help them get rid of the "knots" near their shoulder blades. I explain the causes of their back pain symptoms. I help them understand why they are having pain and I also tell them why the therapies they have tried did not work, or didn't work for very long.

Here are some excerpts from a recent response to "Gloria."

The reason the hard massage and other treatments you have had didn't work for very long is probably because they did not address the cause of your pain. The massage therapist and doctor were working on the symptom (your pain) rather than the cause of your symptom. This is a common occurrence as therapists and doctors often do not understand why someone is having pain.

I am guessing that you are right-handed, since your pain symptoms are on the right side.

First, some background: All muscles attach to at least two bones. That is what allows us to move. If a muscle is pulling on one side of a bone (for instance, one side of your shoulder blade) then the muscles that attach on the other side of the bone will also be pulled on.

In other words, when a muscle contracts, or gets short and tight, it pulls on a bone. It moves the bone out of the bone's neutral position. The other muscles that attach to that bone then get stretched (simply because they are attached to the bone, which has moved.) They don't like to be stretched, so they go into their own type of contraction--they get a spasm (they tighten and become taut.) This is a natural reaction from muscles when they are stretched for a long period of time. This is how your body keeps the overstretched muscles from tearing or being injured.

The shortened muscles don't usually complain, but their counterparts do.

So, what you are feeling is pain from tautness in the overstretched muscles. Those are your "knots."

If those painful spasms are massaged deeply, or injected with medicine to relax them, they may relax for a short time (or not.) The reason they can't stay relaxed is because the other muscles and bones that originally pulled on them are still pulling! It is just a law of nature that taut muscles are unable to relax until the pulling muscles are relaxed. This is the cause of your pain and this is what must be released, or relaxed, to give you relief--the pulling muscles.

It is okay to also massage the "knots" to help release them, after the pulling muscles are released. Then your knots will be able to relax and be released.

And now, I'd like to invite you to discover more ways to relieve your painful knots naturally at and I would be honored if you let me, Kathryn Merrow, The Pain Relief Coach, join you on your way to a pain-free life.

How to Communicate Your Back Pain Symptoms to Your Doctor

In order to ensure that you get the best treatment for your problem, it is very important for you to communicate your back pain symptoms thoroughly to your doctor. If your doctor does not get a clear picture of the specific back problem that you are suffering from, he/she will not be able to prepare the right treatment plan for you. This is because of the fact that as of now, we do not have any perfect definitive test that could diagnose and measure pain. The right diagnosis is subject to how clearly you explain your symptoms. Following are some of the important points to consider in this regard.

Intensity Of The Pain

Does your back pain badly? How bad? It is not possible through objective testing to get an accurate measurement of the intensity level. That is the reason why the doctor measures the intensity based on the back pain symptoms you tell. Many health care professionals use several visual assessment tools for this.

The Type Of Pain

To say that you are suffering from pain is an ambiguous statement. It does not tell anything clearly. All pain is not the same. For example, depending upon the type of pain, you may feel electrical, burning, or even a stabbing sensation. Therefore, you must explain how you feel to your doctor. Based on what you tell, the doctor will try and understand your condition better. For example, if your back pain symptoms include stiffening or tightening of back muscles, you are likely to have some posture problems.

Where Exactly Does It Hurt?

The location of the pain also plays a very important role in the right diagnosis. For example, if the pain is radiating down the leg or arm, it indicates that a nerve is affected. It is probably a case of sciatica. Your doctor may use a body diagram to help you identify the exact location.


Most of the times, you experience pain in a certain pattern. For example, there may be a specific point of time during the day when you experience it. It may be constant. You may be feeling different intensity levels at different times of the day. It may come suddenly or gradually. Sometimes, it may not have any set pattern. It may show up any time of the day. Whatever the case is, the point is to give your doctor accurate details about what exactly you are experiencing.

Overall, if you explain all the above points of your back pain symptoms thoroughly to your doctor, it will be very easy for him/her to diagnose the root cause of your problem and provide the best treatment available for it. Visit back pain backache for more information.

How to Handle Severe Back Pain

Everyday more and more people around the world experience one or the other kind of severe back pain. This pain could be due to over exertion, pregnancy, or some previous incident where the individual might have hurt his back. If you too are one of those who experience backache every now and then, then it is time to consult a doctor. Help is readily available, as medical science has made much advancement when it comes to the treatment for back pain.

Some Kinds Of Backache Therapies

Various therapies, which ease out the pain in the back, exist today. You could either use one of the several forms of medication or try one of the following methods to reduce or even get rid of your pain:-

  • Exercise and stretching techniques. Consult a physician before you start any exercise schedule. Train under a good physical expert who would be able to guide you on the kinds of exercises that you should undertake.
  • Try some nutritional supplements other than your regular intake of daily food. Again consult a doctor before you start with a supplement.
  • Back pain can get aggravated due to several reasons; one of them might be the stress of long working hours. Stress reduction techniques have known to make a difference that you might not observe with the other methods.
  • You could even try chiropractic manipulation which is a very common form of severe back pain treatment. This remedy involves a combination of chiropractic therapy along with medication. Muscle spasms are treated with muscle relaxants, nerve pain requires anti- inflammatory treatment and the more severe kind of pain is treated with opioids. These are morphine sedatives that are administered under proper medical guidance. Doctors advise this form of treatment only if the pain in the back has become unmanageable and no other form of medication is of any help.
  • Acupuncture is another successful procedure for the treatment of severe back pain. But as its results are temporary, this treatment should be done in combination with some other kind of long-term treatment. Acupuncture is generally chosen by those who are not comfortable with taking too many medicines.
  • If none of the above therapies work successfully to cure or even reduce the occurrence of back pain incidents, then probably only surgery might help.

Learn to take care of your back before you too are gripped with this unbearable pain. Use correct posture and lifting techniques and always keep your spine correctly angled. Get yourself a good mattress that gives proper support to your back. Act now to prevent severe back pain episodes later in life.

Severe back pain is something that all of us experience in our lives at some point of time. The various kinds of backaches can be categorized into a Severe lower back pain, a severe upper back pain or a chronic back pain.

Remedies and Causes of Back Muscle Pain

A weak body frame and lack of daily exercise can lead to back muscle pain in pregnancy. Pregnancy back pain is very common and about 60% of women suffer from it at one time or the other during their pregnancy period. In majority of cases the pain in the back disappears as soon as the child is delivered. However, it can turn into a life-long companion if neglected or ignored.

Know About Back Pain In-Depth

The severity of back muscle pain may vary from person to person. For some women it may be mild and bearable, whereas it may be acute or chronic for others. Generally it is mild unless you have a pre-pregnancy history of injury. Whatever the intensity of back pain, it is better to treat it at an earlier stage than to wait for the pain to worsen. A back pain therapist can treat your back pain with the aid of regular exercises and medication.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Make all possible efforts to reduce back pain in order to have a comfortable and easier pregnancy. You can ask your physician to prescribe some over-the -counter medications so that the pain does not turn into a chronic problem. You can also try some home remedies like hot packs, hot water therapy and a gentle massage to alleviate your persistent back muscle pain.

Generally there is no need to worry if the backache is mild and bearable. But in case of acute and chronic pain your doctor may suggest that you undertake some tests, such as MRI of spine, ultrasound of lower abdomen and some blood and urine tests. These tests are done in order to diagnose back pain causes and treat the problem effectively.

You should be wise enough to prevent back pain in the first place. For this, you can join some yoga classes to take care of backache at an initial level. This demon can destroy the pleasure of motherhood if not tackled well in time. You can join yoga classes as soon as you decide to become a mother and can continue them for the 9-month period. In addition to yoga, you should maintain a nutritious diet to ensure muscle development. A nutritional diet can also save you from accumulating excessive fat.

You can fight back muscle pain with a systematic and organized planning. You should not allow any such ailment to spoil the fun of being pregnant. So just take preventive measures to keep such ailments at a bay.

There can be multiple back pain causes, which may lead to back muscle pain during pregnancy. You can counter pregnancy back pain only by knowing its root cause.